Teaching life lessons to kids in the kitchen with meaningful meals.

The Stress Nanny with Lindsay Miller

01-07-2023 • 44 mins

Welcome to this episode of the #6 ranked stress podcast, where we explore ways to help families optimize stress and live happier, healthier lives.  In today's episode, Lindsay talks with grandma and author Lynne Bowman about how to simplify family life and connect with kids through meaningful moments in the kitchen.

Segment 1: Lynne's background

Lynne raised 3 kids as a single mom and is now a proud grandmother. As a working mom in an era when women were trying to establish themselves as equals in the workplace, Lynne had to balance raising kids, managing a home and prioritizing her career. As a result she had some insightful conversations with her kids about how to fit in the most important things.

Segment 2: Throw it out of your wagon

In order to find balance in her household, Lynne  realized she needed to simplify. She asked each of her kids to choose one brainy activity and one body activity (physical activity) to pursue. What they came up with might surprise you. Lynne also touts the simplicity of soup for busy families!

Segment 3: Mealtime: the learning lab

Over the years, Lynne prioritized mealtimes with her kids. She also used mealtimes as social interactions, teaching moments and opportunities to foster responsibility. She shares ideas for simple ways to involve kids in the kitchen.

Segment 4: Genius Soup

Lynne knows that modern life is full of great things. With her cookbook and outreach, she is passionate about helping families make simple, nourishing meals and to make the most of their time together in the kitchen.

In Conclusion:

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Stress Nanny podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate the podcast here, or review us on your favorite podcast platform. And don't forget to join us next time as we explore more ways to optimize stress and live happier, healthier lives

Lynne Bowman is the author of the Amazon bestseller brownies for breakfast and she has been featured at women's expos throughout the country teaming up with actress Deirdre Hall to write and publish Dierdre Hall's "Kitchen Close Up" and Deirdre Hall's "How does she do it?" She's won national awards as a creative director for Silicon Valley companies and was the creative director at E & J Gallo Winery, advertising manager at Red King laboratories, and freelanced for agencies in San Jose, Los Angeles and New York. She's also worked as an actor, actress, makeup artist, screenwriter, Illustrator, legal journalist and television weather person. Lynne has three grown children, two absolutely perfect grandchildren, and is president of the Pescadero Community Foundation. She and her husband have a small farm on the coast of Northern California. You can connect with Lynne via her website or her book, Brownies for Breakfast.

Lindsay Miller is a kids mindfulness coach, mindfulness educator and  host of The Stress Nanny Podcast. She is known for her suitca

Lindsay Miller is a distinguished kids mindfulness coach, mindfulness educator and host of The Stress Nanny Podcast. She is known for her suitcase tricks and playful laugh. When she's not playing catch with her daughter or rollerblading on local trails with her husband, you can find her using her 20+ years of child development study and mindfulness certification to dream up new ways to get kids excited about deep breathing. Having been featured on numerous podcasts, platforms and publications, Lindsay’s words of wisdom are high impact and leave a lasting impression wherever she goes. To sign up for Lindsay's "Calm & Collected" Newsletter click here.