Join the team as they discuss the disappearance of Mikelle Biggs. The eleven-year-old went missing from Mesa, Arizona in 1999. Does a mysterious dollar bill found in Wisconsin indicate Mikelle is alive?
If you have any information on Mikelle Bigg’s disappearance, you can call the Mesa police department at 480-644-2211.
You can follow us on Instagram at smalltownmissing.
Sources for this episode: “Twenty years later, family of Mikelle Biggs holds out hope for answers in Arizona girl’sabduction”- article by Erin Moriarty published on January 12, 2019.
It’s Crime O Clock Somewhere- “The Disappearance of Mikelle Biggs” - Mikelle Diane Biggs
Reddit page posted by Kimber Bigg’s, Mikelle’s sister- r/IAmA- “I am Kimber Biggs, my sister Mikelle Biggs was kidnapped 15 years ago and nothing was ever found. Ask me anything!”
Mikelle Biggs Facebook page-