Season 2 Trailer

Denodo Data Bites

17-03-2023 • 1 min

Ready for the launch of the second season of your favourite data podcast - Denodo Data Bites?

This is your host Neha Gurudatt, bringing you brand new conversations on trending topics within the data space ranging from Data Management, Data Virtualization and so on.

Last season, our audience explored the world of data through bite-sized discussions with industry leaders from Denodo on topics like Data Mesh, Logical Data Fabric and many more.

This season, things are going to get even more exciting as we bring in fresh content, interesting conversations and a special line-up of episodes from Denodo partners & customers as well!

I can't wait to get started on this new journey with all of you as we navigate the complexities of the data industry with ease in our latest season. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our new episodes and don't forget to subscribe to our show on to hear critical insights from industry experts on All Things Data!