109. Isobel Gowdie

Serial Ghouls

11-11-2022 • 28 mins

On the surface, Auldearn appears to be a sleepy Highland village, the kind of place you might think would pass through the history books, unrecognized. However, the 1600s were turbulent times for Auldearn. The village took its place in the annals of Scotland’s dark history in 1645 with the ‘Battle of Auldearn’ where over 2,000 Covenanters were slain. Then, in 1662, it became the scene of one of the most bizarre witch hunts in Scotland. The witchcraft confessions by Isobel Gowdie are some of the most extraordinary on record. She is possibly the most famous ‘witch’ in Scottish history. This is the woman who gave the world the notion of a coven. Some say that her ghost still haunts Auldearn. Sifting through the information on Isobel Gowdie was difficult: there is far more myth and fantasy surrounding the poor woman than there is fact.

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