Shared Confidence

Shared Confidence

A podcast where women SHARE real, honestly and meaningfully to tell you their stories about how they’ve failed, overcome and continue to tackle what brings them CONFIDENCE. We have each lived a life of ups and downs & through these stories and overall conversations we want you to feel a purpose. A purpose for who you are and always inspired to be. We hope you leave our podcast each week wanting to make small changes so that you can be CONFIDENTLY you -- the best YOU to give to those who already love you and those you are yet to discover what makes you YOU. read less


Episode [2] Want to make a promise to your future self?
Episode [2] Want to make a promise to your future self?
Hey ya'll and welcome back to the Shared Confidence podcast! Last week we spoke about "Who is THEY?" When it comes to lacking confidence to do a certain thing, who are you scared to do it in front of... or who is the person you think is judging you? If you didn't get to listen, we highly encourage you to go back and listen! This week we hope you've brought your pen and paper because we're about to unpack how to have confidence in setting goals, specifically, "What are the right goals?" We pulled this week's content from an article by Heather Moulder. A RECOVERING LAWYER. LEADERSHIP COACH. BUSINESS STRATEGIST. CANCER SURVIVOR. which you can find in detail at this link, First, we discuss 5 mental shifts you need to make. #1: Make Peace With Failure #2: Accept Imperfection and Go With Good Enough #3 Let Go of What Can't Be Controlled #4: Get Comfortable with Change (and the Unknown) #5: Be Curious And then we wrap it up with 3 keys for success. Key #1: Set Values-Based Goals Key #2: Know Your Strengths (and Leverage Them To Your Benefit) Key #3: Be Honest About Weaknesses (and Plan For Improvement) Regardless of where you find yourself when it comes to New Year's Resolutions, we challenge you to revisit your goals for 2023. Remember to set realistic and intentional goals you know are achievable. If you need help, please reach out to us! You can message us directly through Instagram or Facebook or even email us at Thanks for joining us and we look forward to having you at our table again soon! xoxo, Brittany & Brooke