Psalm 104 The Lord’s Majesty (Part 9)

Walk Boldly With Jesus

12-07-2024 • 9 mins

Psalm 104 The Lord’s Majesty (Part 9)

Psalm 104:33-35 “I will sing my song to the Lord as long as I live! Every day, I will sing my praises to God. May you be pleased with every sweet thought I have about you, for you are the source of my joy and gladness. Now, let all the sinners be swept from the earth. But I will keep on praising you, my Lord, with all that is within me. My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of you!

We have spent the past eight episodes talking about the Lord’s majesty. We talked about all the parts of nature and how amazing God is to have created all of it. We talked about how powerful He is. Today, we are talking about praising the Lord. This is one of my favorite things to discuss and do. Praise is such an essential part of our relationship with the Lord. There have been many times when I have asked the Lord what has helped me grow so much closer to Him, and he always replies, praise, you praise me so often.

If we want to grow closer to the Lord, it helps to let Him know how much we appreciate all He has done and continues to do for us. God loves it when we show our appreciation to Him. It is so easy to take Him for granted if we are not careful because there are so many things He does for us that we don’t even see. It is easy to be grateful to the Lord when He saves us from the dangers we know about, the ones we can see. However, what about all the dangers God has prevented from harming us before seeing them?

The verse begins with, “I will sing my song to the Lord as long as I live! Every day, I will sing my praises to God.” I hope I can say the same. I hope every day I take time to sing praises to the Lord. He does so much for us. The Lord has protected my family from some pretty scary things. I have had two kids who overdosed on drugs, and yet both are still living with no lasting effects. Our family was falling apart, and the Lord put it back together. I can’t even count the number of times we needed something to work out, and God arranged the solution perfectly. God deserves my praise, and I hope I never forget that!

Next, the verse says, “May you be pleased with every sweet thought I have about you, for you are the source of my joy and gladness.” This is expressing a sentiment I think we all have. We all want the Lord to be pleased with us. I also like how the verse reminds us that the Lord is the source of our joy and gladness. This means we can have joy no matter our circumstances. Happiness and joy are two different things. Happiness is usually based on our circumstances. If something good and fun is happening, we are generally happy. However, Joy is different. I love Rick Warren, the author of A Purpose Driven Life's definition of Joy. He says, “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.”

Let’s look at this definition a bit more closely. First, it says joy is the settled assurance that God controls all the details of my life. Can you see how we can have more joy when we realize God controls all the details? Everything is not up to me. I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to get it all right. God is in control, not me. Then, it says the quiet confidence that, ultimately, everything will be alright. Can you see how it would be possible to have joy in a difficult situation if you knew that everything would be alright in the end? Things might be crappy right now, but ultimately, eventually, things will be alright, and that makes the joy in the hard times possible. The last part of it ties right in with the verse of the day. It ends with the determined choice to praise God in every situation.

Did you know you get to choose whether to praise the Lord? Praising the Lord doesn’t have to be based on your feelings. There may be times when you are in the middle of something really difficult and you don’t feel like praising the Lord, yet you can choose to praise Him anyway. You could be in a period of dryness with prayer or under spiritual attack, and you don’t want to praise the Lord. Yet this is a great time to praise the Lord because it can lift you out of both situations. Praising the Lord when you are under spiritual attack from the enemy is a great way to make the enemy flee. Evil spirits will not stick around when you are proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. They hate that name. Praising the Lord can bring you joy when you least expect it.

Today’s verse ends with, “Now, let all the sinners be swept from the earth. But I will keep on praising you, my Lord, with all that is within me. My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of you!” The person who wrote this Psalm asks for all the sinners to be swept form the earth. This would be nice, except that we are all sinners. I am unsure who wrote this and if they had the extraordinary gift of not being a sinner, but I believe that right is solely reserved for Mary. I can see why the person would want all sinners to be swept from the earth. I am sure it breaks God’s heart when we sin repeatedly. I have indeed wished that all evil could be removed from this world. However, I think removing all evil and removing all sinners are different. Each one of us sins, so we are sinners, yet I don’t think we all need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Who are we to decide who is a sinner and who is not? That is for God to judge. We can only do the best that we can each day.

I love how the last thing the verse says is, My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of you!” Let that be true for each of us. Let us all have joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” because of all God does for us. Let us continue to sing out our praise to the Lord for all our days. Let us show the Lord how much we love and appreciate Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless each listening to this episode. Lord, we want to praise you in all circumstances. Show us how. Lord, we want to understand the difference between happiness and joy. Please help us. Lord, help us to see that you are with us in good times and in bad times. Help us to have joy in all circumstances. We love you Lord and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus’s holy name, Amen.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. The theme for mentoring this month is emotions. If you wish you had emotional freedom. If you are tired of your emotions running your life, please join me this month in mentoring. Tuesday nights at 8 pm ET on zoom. There is more information if you click the link below or go to and find the mentoring tab. I look forward to meeting you here again tomorrow. Remember Jesus loves you just as you are, and so do I! May the grace and favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit!

Today’s Word from the Lord was received in February 2024 by a member of my Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. If you have any questions about the prayer group, these words, or how to join us for a meeting, please email Today’s Word from the Lord is, “The more you're able to live with and in me, the more you're going to be able to set my people free. Because I am the freedom they seek. I am the life they seek. But you are now my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my hands, and my feet walking among my people.”

Psalm 104:33-35 “I will sing my song to the Lord as long as I live! Every day, I will sing my praises to God. May you be pleased with every sweet thought I have about you, for you are the source of my joy and gladness. Now, let all the sinners be swept from the earth. But I will keep on praising you, my Lord, with all that is within me. My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of you!

We have spent the past eight episodes talking about the Lord’s majesty. We talked about all the parts of nature and how amazing God is to have created all of it. We talked about how powerful He is. Today, we are talking about praising the Lord. This is one of my favorite things to discuss and do. Praise is such an essential part of our relationship with the Lord. There have been many times when I have asked the Lord what has helped me grow so much closer to Him, and he always replies, praise, you praise me so often.

If we want to grow closer to the Lord, it helps to let Him know how much we appreciate all He has done and continues to do for us. God loves it when we show our appreciation to Him. It is so easy to take Him for granted if we are not careful because there are so many things He does for us that we don’t even see. It is easy to be grateful to the Lord when He saves us from the dangers we know about, the ones we can see. However, what about all the dangers God has prevented from harming us before seeing them?

The verse begins with, “I will sing my song to the Lord as long as I live! Every day, I will sing my praises to God.” I hope I can say the same. I hope every day I take time to sing praises to the Lord. He does so much for us. The Lord has protected my family from some pretty scary things. I have had two kids who overdosed on drugs, and yet both are still living with no lasting effects. Our family was falling apart, and the Lord put it back together. I can’t even count the number of times we needed something to work out, and God arranged the solution perfectly. God deserves my praise, and I hope I never forget that!

Next, the verse says, “May you be pleased with every sweet thought I have about you, for you are the source of my joy and gladness.” This is expressing a sentiment I think we all have. We all want the Lord to be pleased with us. I also like how the verse reminds us that the Lord is the source of our joy and gladness. This means we can have joy no matter our circumstances. Happiness and joy are two different things. Happiness is usually based on our circumstances. If something good and fun is happening, we are generally happy. However, Joy is different. I love Rick Warren, the author of A Purpose Driven Life's definition of Joy. He says, “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.”

Let’s look at this definition a bit more closely. First, it says joy is the settled assurance that God controls all the details of my life. Can you see how we can have more joy when we realize God controls all the details? Everything is not up to me. I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to get it all right. God is in control, not me. Then, it says the quiet confidence that, ultimately, everything will be alright. Can you see how it would be possible to have joy in a difficult situation if you knew that everything would be alright in the end? Things might be crappy right now, but ultimately, eventually, things will be alright, and that makes the joy in the hard times possible. The last part of it ties right in with the verse of the day. It ends with the determined choice to praise God in every situation.

Did you know you get to choose whether to praise the Lord? Praising the Lord doesn’t have to be based on your feelings. There may be times when you are in the middle of something really difficult and you don’t feel like praising the Lord, yet you can choose to praise Him anyway. You could be in a period of dryness with prayer or under spiritual attack, and you don’t want to praise the Lord. Yet this is a great time to praise the Lord because it can lift you out of both situations. Praising the Lord when you are under spiritual attack from the enemy is a great way to make the enemy flee. Evil spirits will not stick around when you are proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ. They hate that name. Praising the Lord can bring you joy when you least expect it.

Today’s verse ends with, “Now, let all the sinners be swept from the earth. But I will keep on praising you, my Lord, with all that is within me. My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of you!” The person who wrote this Psalm asks for all the sinners to be swept form the earth. This would be nice, except that we are all sinners. I am unsure who wrote this and if they had the extraordinary gift of not being a sinner, but I believe that right is solely reserved for Mary. I can see why the person would want all sinners to be swept from the earth. I am sure it breaks God’s heart when we sin repeatedly. I have indeed wished that all evil could be removed from this world. However, I think removing all evil and removing all sinners are different. Each one of us sins, so we are sinners, yet I don’t think we all need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Who are we to decide who is a sinner and who is not? That is for God to judge. We can only do the best that we can each day.

I love how the last thing the verse says is, My joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” are all because of you!” Let that be true for each of us. Let us all have joyous, blissful shouts of “Hallelujah” because of all God does for us. Let us continue to sing out our praise to the Lord for all our days. Let us show the Lord how much we love and appreciate Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless each listening to this episode. Lord, we want to praise you in all circumstances. Show us how. Lord, we want to understand the difference between happiness and joy. Please help us. Lord, help us to see that you are with us in good times and in bad times. Help us to have joy in all circumstances. We love you Lord and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus’s holy name, Amen.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. The theme for mentoring this month is emotions. If you wish you had emotional freedom. If you are tired of your emotions running your life, please join me this month in mentoring. Tuesday nights at 8 pm ET on zoom. There is more information if you click the link below or go to and find the mentoring tab. I look forward to meeting you here again tomorrow. Remember Jesus loves you just as you are, and so do I! May the grace and favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit!

Today’s Word from the Lord was received in February 2024 by a member of my Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. If you have any questions about the prayer group, these words, or how to join us for a meeting, please email Today’s Word from the Lord is, “The more you're able to live with and in me, the more you're going to be able to set my people free. Because I am the freedom they seek. I am the life they seek. But you are now my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my hands, and my feet walking among my people.”



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