If You Only Knew The Power Living Inside Of You...(Replay)

Walk Boldly With Jesus

04-07-2024 • 14 mins

If You Only Knew The Power Living Inside Of You…

Matthew 8: 16 “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.”

I was talking with a friend last night and we got on the topic of the Holy Spirit.  I love to talk about the Holy Spirit because I am still in awe over the whole thing.  I am in awe that God gave us the Holy Spirit. I am in awe that we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us.  I wish each and every single baptized person on planet earth knew how powerful they were with the Holy Spirit living inside of them.

The verse above says, “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed al the sick.”  Jesus was able to chase away demons with a word.  He was able to heal the sick just by saying be healed.  Actually there are many different ways that Jesus healed people.  If you read the many healing stories in the Bible you will see there wasn’t just one way that Jesus healed the sick.  Sometimes he said “be healed” sometimes he just told them to do something like “take up your mat and go.” Other times he did a physical action like when he put mud on a blind mans eyes or put his fingers in a deaf man’s ears.  I think there was so much variety so that Jesus could show us it is not what we do that heals people, it is who we ask.  We come to God in faith and He does the healings.

I was talking to my friend last night because we were doing an inner healing session.  Part of the process I was using for inner healing was to renounce the lies that we tell ourselves.  I was explaining that we can do that at anytime.  She can do that on her own even when I am not on the phone with her.  When she starts to get anxious she can sit down and ask Jesus to help her figure out what specific lies she is telling herself.  For instance, my car will break down and I won’t be able to get to work.  Something bad will happen to me if I go out on my own.  My children might get hurt if I let them do what they want.  I am not sure what it might be for you.  We all have things we tell ourselves that are not true.  Things like I am unworthy of love, I am unloved, I am stupid, I am a bad driver.  Whatever it is that you are telling yourself, you can renounce that lie once you realize what that lie is.

If you aren’t sure if you are telling yourself any lies, take a minute and think about what that inner voice is saying to you.  Maybe take a minute and ask God to reveal any lies you are telling yourself.  Once you have the lies it is easy to renounce them.  It is a simple sentence, “In the name of Jesus I renounce the lie, and then you state the lie.”  For instance, “In the name of Jesus I renounce the lie that I am not good enough, I am not pretty enough, I am not enough.”  Ideally you would repeat the sentence for each lie.  I just named a few so you would get the idea.

Once you renounce the lie you can ask God to replace that lie with the truth.  It is amazing what you will hear when you ask God what truth He wants to give you in place of that lie.  You will see just how much God loves you.  You will see a tenderness that you probably didn’t know was there.  My friend was saying that although renouncing lies is so simple, she didn’t know she could do that.  I explained that she was not alone!  So many of us don’t know we can do that.  I definitely didn’t before enrolling in the Encounter Ministries class I am taking.

Another part of the inner healing session is to renounce any evil spirits.  For instance, the spirit of anxiety, the spirit of depressions, the spirit of unworthiness.  When Jesus sent the 12 apostles out to spread the word that the Kingdom of God was at hand He gave them the power to do signs and wonders.  When He sent out the 72 He did the same.  Jesus made us all, each one of us part of the great commission.  He tasked us all with spreading the news of Him and all the things that happened in the Gospel.  He wants us to make sure that every person on the planet has had a chance to hear about Him.  To do this He gave us all the Holy Spirit.  With the Holy Spirit we have the power living inside of us to cast out demons in Jesus’ name.  We have the power to heal the sick in Jesus’ name.  Well, we are not healing the sick but God is healing the sick through us when we are brave enough to step our in faith and to ask.

Did you know demons don’t have any power of you unless you give it to them?  It’s true, you have to consent to them being there.  Now, it’s not as if they ask you and you say yes or no.  They find ways in through the sins we commit and often times we didn’t know that we opened a door or that we let them in.  However, whether we knew we were doing it or not, if they find an open door they enter.  However, they can’t stay once you tell them to leave.  You, yes you, have the power to tell them to leave.  If you notice you have a persistent feeling, such as anxiety, depression, worry, anger, irritability, loneliness, unworthiness, etc, this could be a spirit causing this persistent feeling.  If you want to kick that spirit out all you have to stay is, “In the name of Jesus I renounce the spirit of …. and I command it to leave right now in Jesus’ name.”

Once you command it to leave, it must leave.  It cannot stay, it has officially been evicted. God honors our free will and the enemy must do the same.  He just does a good job at making us unaware of the power we have.  I was telling my friend that I think that has been on of the enemies greatest tactics.  I think the enemy has done a good job of either making us forget how much power we have living inside of us, or he has twisted the truth so much in the world that we don’t believe it.  I am not sure what has happened, how he did it, and yet, we don’t seem to know that we have any real power.

Can you imagine how different the world would be if every baptized person was walking around in the full authority that Christ gave them?  Can you imagine how different the world would be if we all knew that Jesus gave us the power to heal the sick, cast our demons, raise the dead and so much more!  It says in John 14:12-14 “ Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”  Do you believe that scripture speaks the truth?  Do you believe that God is honest and keeps His promises?  If so, then you can see why I know that we each have so much power living inside of us.

This verse does not say that a select few will do the works that Jesus did.  It does not say that priests and ministers will do the works that Jesus did.  It says, “You, whomever believes in me.” Do you believe in Jesus?  If so, then He is talking to you?  I know it doesn’t feel like you have any power. I know you don’t feel worthy of any power.  I know you probably don’t want any power, because as Aunt May says in Spider Man, “With great power comes great responsibility.”  And yet, if you believe in Jesus you have this power anyway, so why are we wasting it?  Why are we going around with aches and pains and not asking God in Jesus’ name to heal them?  Why are we living under the oppression of spirits when we have the power to demand that they leave?  Because we don’t know or we don’t believe we have this power. I hope after hearing this episode you go to your Bible and you look for the scripture verse John 14:12-14.  I hope you underline it, I hope you write it on an index card and I hope you ask the Lord to show you how this applies in your life.  Ask God to show you what He is calling you to do.

Don’t worry, God is gentle with us.  He will not call us to move to another country when He knows we really don’t want that.  He may call us to ask for healing in our own lives, He may call us to church more, to daily mass, to pray for someone we know, to pray over someone we know if that is something we aren’t too uncomfortable with. Imagine what this world would be like if we all started living in the authority that Jesus gave us.  We are all so worried about what is happening in the world around us and yet we feel so powerless.  That is a trick of the enemy. We are not powerless.  We are more powerful than we know.  He knows how powerful we are when we live into that power, when we realize what it truly means to have the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living inside of us. Matthew 17:20 says, “ He replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Did you hear that last line, “NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU.”

One main goal of this podcast is to help us all start to believe that a little more.  I know if we started to believe this the world would start to change.  We wouldn’t be as scared all the time because we would know we have the power living inside of us to change things.  We wouldn’t be living in so much pain because we would know we have the power inside of us to set ourselves free and to help set others free.  We wouldn’t just accept the aches and pains we get as a given thing that come with getting older, we would pray for healing because we know the power of God to heal is living inside of us.  I know the world would change, it has already started, if more and more of us realized the power laying dormant inside of us.  The Holy Spirit’s ability to work through us is confined by our free will, by our belief in His power.  If we want to have access to that power, we need to first know and believe that we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us.  We have to learn what that means and the best way to do that is to read the Scriptures.  Read the book of Acts in the Bible. Read all about what the apostles did with the Holy Spirit living inside of them.  It is incredible and if they could do it, so can you because we have the same exact Holy Spirit, there is only one!

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless all those listening to this episode today.  Lord, we want to understand the power and authority you have given to us, please help us.  We want to live in that authority.  We want to be able to cast out demons and heal those around us.  Please build our faith, please show us how.  Lord, we thank you for giving us your Son and then when He left you gave us the Holy Spirit.  We are so grateful.  Help bring an awareness in each person listening as to what having the Holy Spirit living inside of us means for us.  We love you Lord and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus’ holy name, Amen!

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus.  I have so exciting news, I have found a place to hold a retreat this fall.  I have been feeling called to host a retreat and everywhere I called was so expensive.  I just wanted to find a place that most people could afford to come if they wanted to.  I was getting discouraged and God is so good and He knew that I just needed to keep calling places.  I finally found one.  I will have more details in the upcoming weeks but I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a retreat in October for anyone who would like to get away for a weekend and spend some time with Jesus.  It will be a weekend full of praise and worship and thanksgiving to God.  It will also be a time when we talk about some ways to develop a more intimate relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  It will be amazing because the Holy Spirit is the one leading the charge on this one.  I hope you will consider joining me! I look forward to meeting you hear again tomorrow.  Remember, Jesus love you, he really does, and so do I!  Have a blessed day!



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