Don’t Limit Your Joy

Walk Boldly With Jesus

15-07-2024 • 9 mins

Don’t Limit Your Joy

Philippians 3:1a “My beloved ones, don’t ever limit your joy or fail to rejoice in the wonderful experience of knowing our Lord Jesus!”

I like this verse because it is a good reminder. Paul is writing this letter to his friends in Philippi. He wants them not to limit their joy or fail to rejoice in the beautiful experience of knowing Jesus. This can be easy, especially if we are surrounded by other people who don’t know how excellent Jesus is. When Paul wrote this, it was a dangerous time for Christians. You couldn’t freely talk about Jesus or preach the Gospel. It was in Philippi that Paul was arrested for preaching the Gospel. He was thrown into a prison cell and beaten. Paul knew the difficult times they were living in firsthand, yet he still told them not to limit their joy or fail to rejoice in the wonderful experience of our Lord Jesus.

We live in a time when we are free to talk about Jesus. Well, at least in America, we are able to speak of Jesus, yet Jesus is not popular in today's culture. Today's culture is tolerant of everything except for Jesus. It can be hard to show our excitement for Jesus when those around us tell us He is not real or who He said he was. We have people who try to steal our joy. We need to be aware of this and fight against it.

I know many people who live in homes or have family members who don’t believe the way they do. They are the only Christian in their family or in their friend circle. This can be hard. I believe that we are not meant to do life alone. This doesn’t mean you need to be married and have a bunch of kids. It means that we all need to live in a community with other Christians. This means that we shouldn’t live our lives by ourselves without others around us. We shouldn’t isolate ourselves.

I know this can be tempting because the world can be a scary place, and there are some pretty awful people in it. People can be so cruel, and I know it feels easier sometimes to hide away. It feels easier not to share our joy of Jesus with others because we fear rejection. I feel this way, too. I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak up to someone about Jesus, and yet I don’t do it because I am afraid they will be upset or they will reject me.

However, what the Lord has been putting on my heart lately is that I should be more concerned about what He thinks of me than what the world thinks of me. I don’t always say what I want to say because I wonder what the person will think of me all the while I am not even thinking about what Jesus is thinking about me. It’s ok if the world rejects me, but it is not ok if Jesus does.

Where do we want to spend eternity? Is it with Jesus or is it with the people we meet here on earth? Jesus can fill us with so much joy. Did you know Joy is a fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22 states that these are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” So joy in the Lord is something the Holy Spirit can gift to us. However, even if we receive it, it is up to us to share it with others. To display it for all to see.

It is our job to bring Christ to others. Do you think people are likely to want to follow Christ if we walk around with an angry look on our face or a sad look on our face. If we walk around all upset and angry they will look at us and think to themselves, “If that is what Christ gives us then no thank you.” People are always watching us, for good or bad, and how we react in situations matters.

We are always a representation of Christ. We are called to be “Little Christs” in this world. If people see us gossiping they will think that is what all followers of Christ do. If people see that we are going through a hard time they are going to be watching to see if we have hope in the Lord, if we lean on the Lord, and if we trust in the Lord. Also when good things happen they will be watching to see if we are thankful to the Lord for all He has done. Our focus must always be on Christ.

I love that Paul is reminding them and urging them not to ever limit their joy of fail to rejoice about knowing Jesus. It is our joy and our rejoicing that will bring others to Christ. It is our joy and rejoicing that will become contagious and people will want what we have. They will see how full of joy we are and they will want that joy. They will ask what is causing our joy and we will have an opportunity to share Jesus with them. We worry, or at least I do, about going up to strangers and talking to them about Jesus.

However, if we walk around so full of joy, people will approach us and ask us what we are so happy about. Why are you smiling so much? How is it that you love so easily? People will come to us to find out what we have that makes us so full of joy. People will want whatever it is that we have. When people see us full of joy in a difficult situation, they will want to know why. When people see that we have hope when the world tells us we should feel hopeless, they will want to know why.

I know this world has a way of sucking the joy out of everything, but as St. Paul said in this verse, don’t limit your joy. Don’t let this world get you down. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and let Him fill you with joy!

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless everyone listening to this episode. Lord, we ask that you fill us with joy and help us display that joy for all to see. Lord, help us stand up to those who wish us harm. Help us guard our joy so that no one can steal it. We thank you so much for all you have done for us. You are amazing! We love you, Lord, and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus’s holy name, Amen!

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. If this podcast has blessed you in any way, please consider sharing it with others and leaving it a review. This helps to ensure other people get to hear it as well. You can also make a donation towards the cost of producing the podcast. This week’s theme for mentoring is Our Emotions. I will post the recording from a week on my Facebook account and have a link in the show notes. If you are curious about what a mentoring session would look like, I invite you to watch the session and see if you are interested in joining. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Remember Jesus loves you just as you are, and so do I! May the grace and favor of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirit! Watch Week #1 of Our Emotions Series in Mentoring Click here

Today’s Word from the Lord was received in February 2024 by a member of my Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. If you have any questions about the prayer group, these words, or how to join us for a meeting please email Today’s Word from the Lord is, “I put my Word In your hearts and mouths. It pierces the darkness, like a mighty trumpet blast. Nothing evil, or any strongholds, can stand before it.”


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