Be Real with Lav

Lav & Shenelle

"Be real with Lav" is a mother and daughter podcast that will bring inspiration and motivation through healthy conversation, our experiences and real-life stories we can share. Society has changed with a lot of uncertainty with trapped feelings of mental instability that weakens our will power. Join Be real with Lav and Shennelle where we bring you unfiltered topics and advice that will uplift you and encourage you that you are not alone. I believe that each individual should recognize their self-worth and love and appreciate themselves. Join Be Real with Lav and Shennelle every Tuesday! read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


Everyday Heroes and Icons of the Black Experience
Everyday Heroes and Icons of the Black Experience
As the vibrant heartbeats of our communities, the stories of Black Generations are rich with triumph, resilience, and innovation. Alongside my co-host Shennelle, who brings her passion and insight into our conversation, we peel back layers of history to share a narrative that resonates beyond a single month. This episode is a journey through the struggles, the victories, and the unyielding spirit of a people whose contributions have shaped our nation, yet often remain unsung. As we commemorate Black History Month, we underscore the imperative of weaving these narratives into the educational tapestry all year round, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of a heritage that is a cornerstone of American culture.We stand on the shoulders of giants like Marcus Garvey., whose dreams have paved avenues of equality and respect that we continue to traverse today. In our dialogue, we not only spotlight the icons of civil rights but also embrace the personal victories and everyday grace that define the Black experience. It's about stoking that inner flame of pride and ensuring that the legacy of Black people is not relegated to the sidelines but celebrated as part of the continuous story we all share. So, tune in for an episode filled with heart, soul, and an unwavering commitment to the truth of our past, as we strive for a brighter, more inclusive future. Much love, and let's remember to always treat one another with the honor that is rightfully ours.Support the Show.
Embracing Singlehood and Seeking Partnership Past Fifty
Embracing Singlehood and Seeking Partnership Past Fifty
Navigating the murky waters of midlife dating can feel like a solo voyage in uncharted territory. Chanel and I, with laughter as our compass, chart a course through the often tumultuous sea of romance after 50. Our latest Real With Love episode is a lighthouse for listeners, casting a bright beam on the complexities of seeking companionship during life's second act. We unfurl our own stories, candidly sharing the trials and triumphs of dating in a world where the once vibrant nightclub scene has given way to the serene, though sometimes dreary, landscape of modern communication.Dating over 50 comes with a backpack of challenges, from stale suitors believing they're still 'players' to unraveling the ties of past relationships. We delve into the underbelly of dating apps, discussing how to gracefully swat away the unwanted advances that sometimes feel like an endless game of whack-a-mole. Our conversation becomes an anthem of empowerment, arming you with insights to recognize red flags and embrace the joys of solitude and self-discovery. With wisdom peppered with humor, we offer up our lived experiences as a guide for navigating the search for romance with eyes wide open and hearts guarded by self-respect.Wrapping up this heart-to-heart, Chanel and I extend a warm invitation to our fellow over-50s to join the dialogue and share their own tales of love and life. As we bid adieu, we remind our listeners that happiness is a solo project, and finding contentment within oneself is the greatest love story of all. Tune in for a blend of real talk and laughter, and let's journey together through the intricacies of midlife romance, celebrating the days ahead with love, care, and a touch of independence.Support the Show.