Texas Vs. New York With The Real AJ Podcast

The Wolf And The Shepherd

25-04-2022 • 1 hr 4 mins

AJ from The Real AJ Podcast joins us to discuss the differences between Texas and New York through the minds of immigrants, most especially during the pandemic.  Thanks for listening to the show. There are a few ways that you can support our content.  For free, please subscribe to our show and leave us a great review on your favorite platform. Share our website on your social media: https://www.thewolfandtheshepherd.com You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here: https://thewolfandtheshepherd.com/YouTube We also have a Patreon account if you feel so kind to support us in that way, which has a couple of levels with some fun giveaways, including sponsorship opportunities. You can find more information here: https://www.patreon.com/wolfshepherd/membership For questions, comments, or show and guest suggestions, shoot us an email thewolfandtheshepherd@gmail.com