Supplying certain therapeutic goods for COVID-19

TGA - SME Assist ‘Navigating therapeutic goods regulation‘

12-07-2021 • 16 mins

In this episode, we talk with Brian Chamberlain from the Medical Devices Authorisation Branch at TGA and explore:

  • some of the products being supplied for COVID-19
  • how these are regulated
  • where to start if considering supplying these products in Australia
  • how the features of a product can impact how it’s regulated
  • tools and information helpful for those new to supplying therapeutic goods
  • the application process

This podcast series is presented by the SME Assist team at TGA. SME Assist is a dedicated service that TGA offers to help small to medium enterprises (SMEs), researchers, start-ups and those unfamiliar with regulation to understand their regulatory and legislative obligations.

You can find more information about TGA and SME Assist at and through our social media channels or contacting us directly.

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Links and useful information

Host: Steven Smith-Fleury

Guest: Brian Chamberlain

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