2 SaaSy 2 B2B | Ibrahim Bashir (VP Product, Amplitude)

Somehow I Manage Product Teams

04-03-2023 • 58 mins

Ibrahim Bashir is VP of product at Amplitude. Prior to Amplitude, Ibrahim led products at Box, Twitter was also part of the team that launched Kindle Fire at Amazon. Ibrahim shares his thoughts on a very insightful newsletter on substack about building products, frameworks and thoughts from his personal experience. Ibrahim also runs a cohort based program for scaling B2B SaaS - we’ll talk a little about this on the episode.

We spoke about B2B strategy, decision making frameworks, writing and somehow meandered to talk about Windows Phones!


Fail Whale : https://business.time.com/2013/11/06/how-twitter-slayed-the-fail-whale/

Invisible Asymptote : https://www.eugenewei.com/blog/2018/5/21/invisible-asymptotes

Creativity Faucet : https://www.julian.com/blog/creativity-faucet

Why Windows Phone failed : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrwsKFyPmXw

Where to find Ibrahim

Linkedin : https://t.co/ib

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ibscribe

Substack : https://t.co/btMrlUYddE

Scaling B2B SaaS : https://www.getsphere.com/cohorts/scaling-b2b-saas