Ahmed Al-Balaghi (Biconomy) on Bear Market Advice, Building Biconomy, and the State of Web3 Infra

Bridging the Gap

11-04-2023 • 48 mins

Ahmed Al-Balaghi, Co-Founder of Biconomy comes on Bridging the Gap. In this episode, we discuss:

  • Founding Biconomy and Ahmed's web3 journey
  • Raising in the bear market and lessons learned
  • Advice for founders looking to raise in a bear market
  • Launching the Biconomy token and advice for founders going into their TGE
  • Advantages and opportunities in bear markets
  • Insights into preparing to take advantage of bull markets
  • Impacts of the bear market on Biconomy
  • Ahmed's take on differences between 2018 and 2022 bear markets
  • Maintaining token holder sentiment during downturns in crypto market
  • Community audits vs traditional audits
  • How Biconomy acquired their first users
  • Ahmed's take on current missing pieces of Web3 infrastructure
  • Is Web3 a winner takes all market?

Bridging the Gap is hosted by VTVL, a Web3 token management and vesting platform.

Check out Ahmed's socials.