Maex Ament (Centrifuge) on Raising & Surviving in a Bear Market

Bridging the Gap

11-04-2023 • 35 mins

Maex Ament, Co-Founder of Centrifuge comes on Bridging the Gap. In this episode, we discuss:

  • Maex's experience raising for Centrifuge and adapting to different market conditions
  • How web3 founders are adapting to survive the bear market
  • Community vs Marketing in Web3
  • Web3 marketing tactics that work in bear markets
  • Advice on figuring out valuations when you don't have metrics
  • Cash vs Equity
  • Opportunities and positives of a bear market
  • Strategies for maintaining visibility for your project in a bear market
  • Differences between 2018 and 2022 bear market
  • Preparing for regulatory changes

Bridging the Gap is hosted by VTVL, a Web3 token management and vesting platform.

Check out Maex's socials.