120RCB We interview Rae West who is behind the website Biglies

Radio Cui Bono's show

12-12-2023 • 2 hrs 21 mins

Participating in this episode are Patrik, Martin and our guest Rae West . If you enjoy and want to support our work you can send a donation to SEB 5708 35 378 01

1)Intro from BBC:s Newsbenders which was aired in 1968 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYAke_z3RVU&t=730s

2) In this episode we interview Rae West, the man behind the website www.big-lies.org Our discussion goes around all the fakery in the media, science and history which Rae has covered for years on his website.

3) Outro, Oh vey shut it down