Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the realm of neuroscience with Dr. Sushant Mysorekar, the founder of Brain Rhyme and NeuroVision. Today, we'll look at how neuroscience is transforming education and learning, as well as ways for improving cognitive function. Dr. Mysorekar discuss into the science of learning, offering ideas to help educators alter their methods. We will discuss effective ways for students and educators to improve learning outcomes and encourage academic greatness. Discover how neuroscience principles improve creativity, problem-solving skills, and mental health in everyday life. This episode is packed with useful information for anyone wishing to improve their cognitive abilities and comprehend the brain's immense potential. ЁЯСЙ Stay connected and follow us for daily dose of inspiration on: тАв Instagram: @kabirrvani https://www.instagram.com/kabirrvani/ тАв Facebook: @kabirrvani https://www.facebook.com/kabirrvani Join us on this journey of discovering self!