Walk It Like I Talk It with Bianca Lynn

Bianca Lynn Hammonds

I'm Bianca Lynn and I'm true believer that there's life and death in the power of your tongue. By being mindful of my words and practicing saying these positive affirmations every day, I've been able to make my days brighter and circumstances better. My hope and intent is for you to do the same! Join me in saying and meditating on some of my favorite thoughts, feelings, and declarations! read less
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Affirmations To Let Go Of Negative Outcomes
Affirmations To Let Go Of Negative Outcomes
You are deserving of good things and have the strength to navigate through challenging times. Trust that you are not defined by your struggles. You are resilient and capable of overcoming adversity. Allow yourself to fully embrace the positive moments in your life. You deserve happiness and joy. Release the fear of negative outcomes and open your heart to the abundance of good that life has to offer. Repeat after me: I release the fear of negative outcomes and open my heart to the abundance of good that life has to offer. You are not destined for bad things. Trust that the universe has good things in store for you. Accept that you are worthy of all the blessings that come your way. Let go of the belief that something must go wrong. Your past does not dictate your future. Each day is a new opportunity for positive experiences and growth. Repeat after me: My past does not dictate my future. Each day is a new opportunity for positive experiences and growth. Embrace the good things in your life without fear. You are capable of handling whatever comes your way. Trust in the timing of your life. Good things will come when you least expect them, and you deserve to enjoy them fully. Let go of the need to anticipate negative outcomes. Focus on the present and appreciate the blessings you have now. Keep these affirmations close and remind yourself that you are deserving of all the good things life has to offer. Embrace positivity and let go of the fear of negative outcomes.