Ep 22: Water Harvesting in Ancient India


08-05-2021 • 5 mins

A wide range of water structures -- bathing platforms and house drains -- are found in Dholavira, both within and outside the walls of the city. Some are the ordinary kinds also found commonly in several Harappan settlements. But in many Harappan centres, these structures were made of baked bricks because stones were not readily available. Sometimes, the bricks were lined with a cementing clay to render them less porous. At Dholavira, stones were available in plenty and were used to make tiles for the water structures; drains were made with both ordinary ungeometrical stones as well as neatly cut blocks. There are several channels carefully cut in stone blocks or slabs of varying lengths. Pottery pipes were also used. In some places, mortar was made of superfine, sticky, grey clay. At Mohenjodaro, bitumen, gypsum and lime were used as waterproofing agents.