High Performance with Joe Sprange - Joe Sprange

High performance with Joe Sprange

09-02-2022 • 47 mins

Welcome to High Performance with Joe Sprange. But today we have swung the mic around and it’s time to interview the podcaster. Time to get to know Joe Sprange.  I am Mandy Scammell and it was my great honour to interview Joe for this Podcast.

One day when we were planning Joey’s podcast he asked me if I’d consider interviewing him.
“Sure thing but can I ask why?” I answered.
“Because I want to understand how my guests feel” Joey replied.
And that’s’ Joe.
He aims to correct mediocrity by delivering optimal results by being a master of learning.

I asked some of Joe’s colleagues and friends for a word to sum him up I received “inspirational” “enthusiastic” “committed” “authentic” and “uplifting”. And after listening to this chat, you’ll see why. You’ll also hear his keys to success - passion & energy, working hard and emotional intelligence.

You’ll hear how he has not only trained his body for success but also his mind with creating a portrait of himself. You’ll hear what fills his cup and who gives him inspiration. You’ll hear why he’s authenticity and curiosity makes him the PERFECT host of his High Performance podcast.

Then you’ll realise why hitting subscribe and listening to this incredible human is something that you should definitely do. So I hope you enjoy my chat interviewing the podcaster on High Performance with Joe Sprange and Mandy Scammell. We’d love you to leave a comment and let us know what you thought.
