The Widow’s Mite

Redemption City Church - Fort Worth, TX

27-03-2023 • 27 mins

March 26, 2023
Pastor Matt Kendrick
The Widow’s Mite
Luke 21:1-4

The Bible gives us a very helpful framework through which we can view our possessions. It is a set of biblical principles that we must hold in tension. Now, any of these principles taken alone will take you out of balance, but holding them all in tension together will provide you with a biblically sound and balanced approach to your money and possessions.

Ditches to avoid when it comes to how Christians view their possessions and money:

  1. Ditch #1: God wants 10% of my money, and I can do whatever I want with the other 90%.
  2. Ditch #2: I can’t enjoy spending money, because I should have given this money to someone in need.

Biblical principles

  1. Jesus’ radical generosity toward us is a model for our radical generosity toward others.
  2. God gives some people more, so they can share with those who have less.
  3. God wants His people to enjoy what He’s given to them.
  4. Money cannot make anyone happy.
  5. It’s good to save money and build wealth.

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