The path of knowledge portal
00:00:00 Exam 00:09:30 What is the final result or destination of the path of knowledge? 00:09:54 If there is perfection in the existence, why is there so much ignorance? 00:10:09 Names are forms are always present with the essence, then why are they false? 00:12:49 Existence has no form or start and end, then how is it known via direct experience? 00:15:52 Experiencer is everywhere. True or false? 00:17:47 Why are all Experiences localized in the head? 00:18:40 What takes form? 00:19:31 How do we know that the vibrations exist? 00:19:36 In which world do we find the layers of the memory? 00:21:06 Where does the evolution of the layers lead to? 00:25:30 What is mother nature or devi? 00:26:05 Is experience blinking in and out of the experiencer? 00:26:35 What is space? 00:29:50 Did humans originate in Africa? 00:36:13 Is history true? 00:41:51 Does what people say matter?