Make Due: Episode 35 "Discipline, Dedication, Drive and Doing More With Less" with special guest, Devin Craig.

Make Due: Suburban Fireman Podcast

30-06-2023 • 1 hr 41 mins

Our good friend and all-around badass fireman, Devin Craig joins the show to spread the cure to the masses. Devin is a Captain in the FD in the Houston (TX) metro area and has been doing work for the past 20 years. He brings a level of passion, humor and tenacity that's evident from the moment you meet him. In this episode we discuss the Train or Die group (which he is co-founder of), his Lazy to Leader class, the importance of discipline, dedication and drive in the fire service. Finally, we dive into some things that help short-staffed departments be more effective and true force multipliers on the fire ground and beyond. This episode is a kick in the ass to get up and do work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  P.S. it's ok to have fun doing it!