Telemetry for Observability

Talkin' Observability

Jul 30 2021 • 30 mins

Observability, for applications, is the design and delivery of data from telemetry signals to provide the ability to infer and discover how the applications (and subsequently, their infrastructure) are behaving. Collecting this telemetry data is one of the most important things when it comes to Observability. In this episode of talkin’ Observability, we will be talking with Pavol Loffay who is one of creators of Hypertrace Java Agent and worked significantly on projects like OpenTelemetry, Jaeger and, Hypertrace, about telemetry data collection, OpenTelemetry project and hear his advice for people who are getting started with Observability.

About Speaker:

Pavol Loffay(@ploffay) is a Senior Software Engineer at RedHat, working on Observability and Tracing cloud native applications. He is a maintainer of Hypertrace, Jaeger and OpenTracing projects. He is one of the creators of Hypertrace Java Agent and contributes to OpenTelemetry Javaagent as well.


Jayesh Ahire (@Jayesh_Ahire1) is Founding Engineer at Traceable where he primarily works on Hypertrace. Jayesh is first AWS ML Hero in India and youngest one to receive the title to date. He is the Organizer of AWS UG, Elastic UG, TensorFlow UG and Microsoft AI community and many other communities in India. His research interest involved Distributed neural computer and DeFi. He is also one of the few Twilio Champions and MVB at Dzone.

If you are exploring Observability/ Distributed tracing solutions for your organization and need some help in understanding, join Hypertrace slack and discuss with experts. Hypertrace is Open source distributed tracing and Obervability platform by Traceable.

This podcast is Sponsored by Traceable.