Being Black and Christian in America

Keeping It Centered

14-04-2021 • 1 hr 8 mins

The United States has come a long way in terms of equality; however, we still have much more work to do, as evidenced by the recent shooting of Daunte Wright, an unarmed Black man. So many men and women have fought and continue to do so to make life better for all people. For those individuals, including this week's guest, Dr. Quantrilla Ard, I'm deeply grateful.

Over the past few years, I've come to realize there seems to be a divide within the Black community, in particular. Every ethnicity has certain cultural practices that are common to many in that community. The Black community is no different. While there isn't a problem with many of these shared experiences, I've grown to question some of them and whether or not they push me towards or away from God.

I also often reflect on how we live in a world/country where everyone isn’t afforded the same access to healthcare. We’re also not afforded the same treatment when in comes to traffic stops, jogging in neighborhoods or walking home. Oftentimes, Black and Brown people experience less than stellar interactions with medical professionals and law enforcement (myself included) based on ill-founded judgments by the very people who are supposed to be helpers.

For the record, I strongly believe I am a Christian who happens to have brown skin and naturally curly hair. My identity is in God alone. I also believe none of us are perfect and that there are some who make good choices while others don’t—in every industry. There isn’t a one size fits all approach to people. We are blessed to share many similarities but we also have beautiful differences, too.

I wanted to process some of these thoughts with another Christian woman who happens to be Black, what life in America has looked like for her and how to find God in the middle of everything.

I'm so glad my path crossed with Dr. Quantrilla Ard's. She's an AH-MAZING woman and this week, she shares with us:

  • disparities in the American health care system, particularly as it pertains to maternal care for Black and Brown mamas,
  • navigating the trauma associated with raising Black boys in America,
  • unlearning things we learned regarding God and His character in our youth,
  • the Christian response to injustices, and so much more!


"Am I sharing for shock value or from a place where I believe I’m helping someone?" - Dr. Quantrilla Ard

"The work of activism begins in our homes." - Dr. Quantrilla Ard

“Everyone’s not called to do everything but we all can do something.” - Dr. Quantrilla Ard

Bible Verses

But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. - Amos 5:24

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause. - Isaiah 1:17

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? - Micah 6:8


Killing the Black Body by Dorothy Roberts

Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk

Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby

Personal contributions to other organizations and blogs, including Proverbs 31

Forget Not His Benefits (FREE 1-hour Bible Study!) by Jen Evangelista and Arabah Joy of Sojo Academy


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