Wind Therapy is Real

On Motorcycles

02-08-2021 • 21 mins

Kenn put the first 100 miles on Friday. She’s in the break in period so taking it easy and learning her. He almost popped a wheelie in “sport mode”. You should have seen his 👀 eyes. She is smoother and twice as fast as his HD Electra-glide was. Wind therapy is real. I needed this.

Sometimes life hits you with something that interrupts your flow. It can stop it sometimes too. Kenn shares some thoughts on wind therapy. It’s a real thing, that motorcyclist like us can enjoy to soothe our spirits, destress and unwind. After a few weeks of sitting in the garage, Kenn puts 100 miles on his 2021 Indian Challenger and reflects on life. Take the ride with him. You might need a handkerchief or tissue as he serenades you and murders a classic tune from Bette Midler at the end of the show.

Thank you for rolling with a brother.

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