DETECTIVES: Investigating a Queensland Police Officer

Crime Insiders

24-03-2024 • 37 mins

When Detective Brett Lee was told one of his colleagues was a potential sex offender, he took on not only the investigation, but the pressure of prosecuting one of his own.

Brett was a career detective, and was involved in some of QPol's most heinous investigations. Working in child protection has its difficulties, but for Brett, he found the challenges to be rewarding.

Understand his work and what it took to undertake it with host Brent Sanders, as he dives into Brett as an officer and as an educator post policing.

If this content affected you, the number for Life Line is 13 11 14.

If you’re concerned about the thoughts and behaviour of yourself or another adult or child -there is support available.

Stop it Now is an anonymous Australian helpline that aims to support adults who have sexual thoughts about children, to prevent offending.

The helpline is for parents, professionals, family and community members who come across child sexual abuse.

If you’re worried about an adults or child’s behaviour, online or offline, you can call the anonymous helpline on 1800 01 1800 or use a live chat or secure messaging service.

To find out more, head to

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