196. super blue moon

the indoob! podcast

30-08-2023 • 1 hr 20 mins

Kortney and T. Sterling begin discussing the back-to-school season and the start times of schools in different regions. They also talked about the challenges of parenting and the ongoing writers' strike in the entertainment industry. T. Sterling introduced the concept of Black August and shared news about India's successful landing on the moon.

T. Sterling recommended two TV shows, "Moving" and "Strange Planet", and expressed his love for Hozier's music. He also recommended the book "Movies (and Other Things)" by Shea Sorrano, which asks unique questions about movies and features guest writers discussing their most painful movie deaths.

The conversation also touched on the disappointment that can come with sequels and the tendency for franchises to recycle the same plot and characters. Kortney expressed her disappointment with the lack of original content in superhero movies, but T. Sterling defended the upcoming Superman movie.

Sterling and Kortney discuss their appreciation for Doctor Who and their favorite Doctors, the importance of finding joy in the little things in life, and the significance of self-care and valuing loved ones. They also reflect on progress and gratitude, emphasizing the value of gratitude and simplicity in finding happiness and balance in life. The conversation ends on a friendly and supportive note, with T. Sterling Watson inviting Kortney Hinton to join him on Discord.

You can join the indoobPod Discord at this link for the next month: https://discord.gg/RWbrYZbtn

Follow Kortney on Twitter @iamkhinton, and Sterling on Twitter @indoob. We won't be calling it by that other name.

Email us at indoobpod@gmail.com. Subscribe to the Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/indoob. Visit the Indoob Store https://www.teepublic.com/user/tsterling and more at indoob.com.