33. Had Enough's Hip Hop (1/2) Hour

We Are Tulsa Music Podcast

Jul 10 2020 • 20 mins

Had Enough interviews hip hop artist D3cade by phone. D3cade is a fairly new artist based out of the Oklahoma City area, but has made a name for himself in the short period of time he has been active on the scene. His trying background and past struggles as an individual with spina bifida allows him to provide a unique and inspiring perspective to his art and music. His message is that you can't let anything hold you back. Music means everything to him because that's what he loses himself in, in order to fight back and make things work.

Music Featured: D3cade- Pretty Boy Floyd

We hope you’ve been enjoying Had Enough’s Hip Hop Hour so far! Please go back and check out some of his previous podcast episodes for more content.

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