Kali’s kiss 💋🖤

Boundless Love

06-04-2024 • 26 mins


With the transformation that so many of us are going through, and with Ecstatic Remembrance coming in 1 month I decided to offer something epic to my community, and totally free:
28 days of Temple Practices

As a part of the 28 day prep-work for Ecstatic Remembrance I spoke about Kali, the great goddess of transformation + guided a practice.

She who shows up and shakes up your whole Life…
When she arrives, it feels like everything you've built is being torn down… but in the pile of ashes that used to be your life… you find a gem: your eternal FREEDOM.
Kali shakes us out of our comfort zones, showing us the lies we've been telling ourselves. It's a painful process, but necessary for our highest becoming.

These practices will harmonise the flow of energy in your Life, anchor you in clarity and help you rest in pleasure no matter what’s going.

Find out details and join Ecstatic Remembrance here: https://sofiasundari.com/ecstatic-remembrance-2024

Join me LIVE on my IG here: https://www.instagram.com/sofiasundari/

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