[SPECIAL] Angels & Demons Class Week 2


16-11-2023 • 1 hr 26 mins

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Below are the timestamps/links to photos Pastor Cyle used to help illustrate in the class!

0:00:00 INTRO


0:05:26 REVIEW

0:09 Ezekiel Vision Photo

0:08:40 ANGELS

0:10:34 Cherubim

  1. 0:10:44 1 Cherubim
  2. 0:11:33 2 Cherubim
  3. 0:14:53 3 Cherubim
  4. 0:14:57 4 Cherubim
  5. 0:15:14 5 Cherubim
  6. 0:15:47 6 Cherubim
  7. 0:16:17 7 Cherubim

0:24:01 Seraphim

  1. 0:24:08 1 Seraphim
  2. 0:24:38 2 Seraphim
  3. 0:25:34 3 Seraphim

0:28:12 Human-Like

  1. 0:28:59 1 Human-Like
  2. 0:29:05 2 Human-Like

0:29:28 Angel of the Lord

0:41:11 Serpent/The Satan

  1. 0:43:38 1 Serpent/The Satan
  2. 0:43:44 2 Serpent/The Satan
  3. 0:45:36 3 Serpent/The Satan
  4. 0:45:44 4 Serpent/The Satan
  5. 0:46:55 5 Serpent/The Satan

0:47:40 Ancient Understanding

  1. 0:47:46 1 Ancient Understanding (Babylonian)
  2. 0:47:58 2 Ancient Understanding (Assyrian)
  3. 0:48:05 3 Ancient Understanding (Egyptian)
  4. 0:48:12 4 Ancient Understanding
  5. 0:50:00 5 Ancient Understanding (Multiple)

0:56:51 DEMONS

  • 1:01:13 Molek
  • 1:05:13 Legion
  • 1:06:35 Abaddon
  • 1:09:14 Q&A about Demons


1:19:10 Aesculapian Rod

  1. 1:19:23 2 Aesculapian Rod
  2. 1:19:38 1 Aesculapian Rod

1:21:04 Orphanim/Thrones

  1. 1:22:28 1 Orphanim/Thrones
  2. 1:23:21 2 Orphanim/Thrones

1:25:09 CLOSING

1:26:06 OUTRO

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