Wayve is working with Microsoft to tackle end-to-end deep learning-based autonomous driving. Featuring Wayve CEO / Co-founder Alex Kendall

Orchestrate all the Things

18-05-2022 • 45 mins

Circa 2017, there was a lot of hype around autonomous driving. If one were to take that at face value, it would mean that by now autonomous driving would have been a reality already. Apparently that's not the case, and Alex Kendall claims to have known that all along. Still, that did not stop him from setting out then, and he's still working on it today.

Kendall is the co-founder and CEO of Wayve, a company founded in 2017 to tackle the challenge of autonomous driving based on a deep learning approach. Today, Wayve announced a partnership with Microsoft to leverage the supercomputing infrastructure needed to support the development of AI-based models for autonomous vehicles on a global scale.

We caught up with Kendall to discuss Wayve's philosophy and approach, its current status, as well as where the partnership with Microsoft fits in. Spoiler alert: this is not your typical "commercial application provider partners with cloud vendor" story.

Article published on VentureBeat