219 Anne White: Green Elder--Climate Justice Advocate

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

22-03-2023 • 31 mins

Anne fell in love with nature as a young girl spending summers

on her grandparents’ farm in north Georgia. Often alone with

“nothing to do,” she read books and made friends with the

insects, plants, snakes, and trees. After several decades as an

environmental justice advocate at the national level, Anne

‘retired’ in 2007 to serve as a full-time volunteer. She uses her

political savvy to promote clean energy and to protest against

fossil fuels and plastics. Anne’s passion for growing organic

gardens and planting trees is in honor of her granddaughter and

all children. Her bumper sticker reads, “One generation plants the

tree, the next generation sits under it.”

I feel a deep moral responsibility to speak on behalf of

species who have no voice, that most humans cannot hear. - Anne White

Connect with Anne:

Email: annewhitetreehugger@gmail.com