Why Companies Don't Change

Talking Tuesdays with Fancy Quant

20-12-2023 • 26 mins

An industry professional asked me why is it so hard to get changes made within a company. They had made some suggestions for improving model validation however they were told there were resource constraints. Resource constraints are very real however this often includes company politics. For example, even if your team can make changes that will improve efficiency, save money, and great better outcomes it will disrupt other teams. As a manager or department head you now have to convince other departs to make the changes which will cost them and money. This impacts company and team performance in the short-run which impacts their bonuses. It is also important to realize that many projects and changes will fail. Failures cost more time and money which is also a consideration.

As advice, ask yourself, am I willing to lose my job over this change? If the answer is yes, then push for the change really hard. If the change is needed but not critical you might consider just waiting and asking later down the road. Resources could change or people could move jobs making the request easier.

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