Why You Shouldn't Love Money

Talking Tuesdays with Fancy Quant

12-12-2023 • 10 mins

In quantitative finance I hear a lot of students say, "I love money" implying that will make them good at quant finance. It is a very shallow statement and one that shows the student hasn't thought much about that statement. The students that do truly love money for the sake of money are shallow people that won't make it in quant finance. Now that being said, I think many students making the statement either find economics interesting which covers how money transfers value, stores value, and how people create value. And or they love what money can do for them. Money can buy you things such as experiences, assets, or even provide financial freedom which is why people save or invest for retirement.

So before you tell someone you love money, think twice. Communicating why you would be a good fit for finance or quant finance has nothing to do with loving money. Those that excel at quant finance do so because they love stats, math, and understanding how the world works.

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