The University of Michigan Marching Band

Top Songs

1. Cheer 1
1. Cheer 1
The University of Michigan Marching Band

2. Let's Go Blue
2. Let's Go Blue
The University of Michigan Marching Band

3. The Victors (Trio)
3. The Victors (Trio)
The University of Michigan Marching Band

4. Entry Cadence w/ M Fanfare
4. Entry Cadence w/ M Fanfare
The University of Michigan Marching Band

5. Varsity
5. Varsity
The University of Michigan Marching Band

6. Yellow and Blue
6. Yellow and Blue
The University of Michigan Marching Band

7. The Victors
7. The Victors
The University of Michigan Marching Band

8. The Victors - Michigan Wolverines (Live)
8. The Victors - Michigan Wolverines (Live)
The University of Michigan Marching Band

9. Mr. Touchdown USA - Michigan Wolverines (Live)
9. Mr. Touchdown USA - Michigan Wolverines (Live)
The University of Michigan Marching Band