Mind Your Work

Jose Espinoza; Nicholas Bremner

A podcast about social science and work read less


MYW S03 Episode 05 – Data Literacy Part 3: Communication and Storytelling with Data
MYW S03 Episode 05 – Data Literacy Part 3: Communication and Storytelling with Data
Time to pull it all together! In this episode, we wrap up our mini-series on data literacy by discussing how to communicate effectively using data. We cover important things to consider when preparing your talk (or write-up), knowing your audience, and effectively structuring your message. We also briefly talk about data visualization as a tool that can be used to augment your delivery.      Timestamps: 0:50: Why is storytelling important? 2:30: Putting data and stories together 4:38: Preparation: Deciding on your purpose 6:30: Preparation: Knowing the context 9:45: Knowing your audience 22:25: Structuring your presentation or message 28:55: The structure of a story 31:30: Data visualization 34:27: Data viz “commandments” (aka basic tips) 36:15: Effective delivery in presentations 39:40: Effective delivery in documents or manuscripts 41:40: Wrap-up   Mentioned This Episode: Cicero Public Speaking Cards Examples of great storytelling: The beauty of data visualization – David McCandless (chosen by Jose) Start with why – Simon Sinek (chosen by Nicholas) mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas or suggestions here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here!   Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is “Bike ride with you” by Ryan Anderson. Licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0).   Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW S03 Episode 04 – Data Literacy Part 2: Analyzing Data
MYW S03 Episode 04 – Data Literacy Part 2: Analyzing Data
Okay, we’ve got a research question and some data! Now what? In this episode, we talk about common analytical techniques used in the social sciences (particularly industrial and organizational psychology) and what questions they can help answer. We also talk about the only “true” way to demonstrate that X causes Y and cover some common things to watch out for when conducting analysis.   Timestamps: 1:00: Statistics and how we’re teaching them the wrong way 6:10: Describing data vs making inferences with data 9:40: Describing survey data with “percent favorability” 13:55: Why Jose thinks (knows) descriptive stats are great 17:08: Let’s talk about correlations and shark attacks 23:05: T-tests 32:23: Experimental design 101 36:13: Statistical pitfalls 40:48: Wrap-up   Mentioned This Episode: Tyler Vigen – Spurious Correlations Science Forum – Ten common statistical mistakes to watch out for mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas or suggestions here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here!      Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is “Tech Toys” also by Lee; licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0).      Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW S03 Episode 03 – Data Literacy Part 1: Intro and Data Collection
MYW S03 Episode 03 – Data Literacy Part 1: Intro and Data Collection
Let’s talk about data literacy. Data is already ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, so even if you don’t work with data directly, it’s still important to understand it. In this episode, we provide a brief introduction to our three part series on data literacy, which spans the issues of data collection, analysis, and communication/visualization. We also cover the first of these three topics.       Timestamps: 1:30: What is data literacy? 2:35: Why is data literacy important? 4:12: A way of thinking about data: Inputs, processes, and outputs 7:05: Inputs: Data collection and measurement 9:40: General pros and cons of measurement instruments 19:35: Collecting data from the right people at the right time 24:05: Statistical power 24:50: Validity (accuracy) and reliability 31:30: Wrap-up   Mentioned This Episode: Gartner - A Data and Analytics Leader’s Guide to Data Literacy   Some episodes covering issues of data literacy: Why Can’t We Hold All These Personality Models? (Validity and personality) Bad Behavior at Work (Measuring and preventing counterproductive work behavior) Of Metrics and Interventions (Examining the “right” metrics and data quality) Of Metrics and Interventions - Part 2 (The danger of focusing on too few metrics and how picking metrics can actually influence human behavior)   mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas or suggestions here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here!       Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is “Places Unseen” also by Lee; licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0).   Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW S03 Episode 01 – Performance Appraisals
MYW S03 Episode 01 – Performance Appraisals
Performance appraisals are something most of us are familiar with and probably don’t really enjoy (unless you’re accustomed to getting great appraisals!) – that said, there have recently been more widespread grumblings about this organizational tradition. Is a shift in the fundamentals of performance management upon us? Are there compelling alternatives to performance appraisals? In this episode, we discuss some of the fundamentals of performance appraisals, cover the recent debate about their effectiveness, and share our own views on the topic. Timestamps: 1:54: The basics of performance appraisals 8:40: The trouble with performance appraisals – two conflicting purposes 15:53: The debate about performance appraisals 18:37: Alternatives to performance appraisals 28:12: Shifting the burden of appraisals from people to machines 32:24: Additional readings and wrap-up Mentioned This Episode: Open-access article – Performance appraisal debate Open-access article – Performance evaluation will not die, but it should HBR – Deloitte’s alternative to traditional performance management Video – Big Ideas in Performance Management mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas or suggestions here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here! Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is “New Day” also by Lee; licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW S02 Episode 06 – Mentorship
MYW S02 Episode 06 – Mentorship
Mentorship is a well-known concept that is ubiquitous in organizations and frequently depicted in popular media (remember Master Yoda? “Do. Or do not. There is no try”). This is for good reason as mentors are the teachers, guides, and confidants who help us grow and reach our potential. In this episode, we discuss the research behind mentorship in the workplace. We outline some of the benefits of mentoring for mentees, the mentors themselves, and organizations. We also discuss some alternative forms of mentoring, such as sponsorship and “reverse mentoring”.      Timestamps: 1:28: What is mentorship? 3:20: Formal vs informal mentorship 6:23: Benefits of mentoring for individuals 10:02: Benefits of mentoring for organizations 11:27: How to get the most of your mentorship program 13:20: Alternatives to mentorship programs 24:45: This is Not Homework ­– What could you offer to others as a mentor?      Mentioned This Episode: HBR Article – Why Reverse Mentoring Works and How to Do It Right Reverse Mentoring: A Social Exchange Tool for Keeping the Boomers Engaged and Millennials Committed mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here!      Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is "Looking Back” also by Lee; licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0).      Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW Unscripted Episode 07 – What is Crunch Mode and Why is it Terrible
MYW Unscripted Episode 07 – What is Crunch Mode and Why is it Terrible
“Crunch Mode” may sound like a fun breakfast cereal, but it’s actually kind of a bummer. Crunch Mode is a controversial labour practice that is common in the video game industry. It involves long hours, high amounts of stress, and no extra pay. In this episode, Jose and Nicholas talk about where Crunch Mode came from, why it is so bad, and what could be done about it.   Timestamps: 0:40: What is Crunch Mode? 2:15: The rise of awareness of Crunch Mode 3:43: What are the specifics behind Crunch Mode? 8:42: What’s so bad about Crunch Mode? 14:27: How do we change this practice in the industry? 16:05: Key takeaways   Mentioned This Episode: mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here! Original Crunch Mode blog entry - https://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/ Patriot Act Episode on Crunch Mode - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLAi_cmly6Q Kotaku article on Crunch Mode - https://kotaku.com/inside-rockstar-games-culture-of-crunch-1829936466 Kotaku article on hiring cycles: https://kotaku.com/why-game-developers-keep-getting-laid-off-1583192249   Credits: Our intro and outro music for Unscripted is “Pamgaea” by Kevin McLeod, licensed under licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. You can find more of Kevin’s music at incompetech.com. Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW S02 Episode 05 – The Importance of Sleep
MYW S02 Episode 05 – The Importance of Sleep
We all know getting enough sleep is important, but a good night’s rest is often one of the first things we skip out on when life gets busy. In this episode, we cover the intersection between sleep and work. We outline some of the work-related consequences of lacking sleep, explain how work can hinder employees’ sleep, and discuss some of the ways organizations can support their employees’ sleep schedules and wellbeing. We also share some of our own experiences, and challenges, when it comes to sleep hygiene.      Timestamps: 1:04: Episode outline 1:52: The consequences of a lack of sleep 4:01: Why lacking sleep is harmful 7:16: How work interferes with sleep 11:01: What can organizations do to support their employees when it comes to sleep? 14:45: What can we do as individuals to improve our sleep? 17:28: Our own sleep hygiene practices and personal recommendations for getting a better sleep 23:12: Sleep tracking applications and This is Not Homework      Mentioned This Episode: f.lux - Blue light reducing software Felix Gray - blue light blocking glasses sleepscore and Sleep Cycle – Sleep tracking applications mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here!      Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is "Looking Back” also by Lee; licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0).      Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW S02 Episode 04 – Bad Behavior at Work
MYW S02 Episode 04 – Bad Behavior at Work
On this episode, Jose and Nicholas discuss the research on Counter-productive Work Behaviors (CWBs). CWB is the umbrella term that covers a wide variety of behaviors that intentionally harm the organization or other employees. We cover everything from theft and fraud to the newest kind of CWB to enter the workplace, cyberloafing. Listen and find out why firing the ‘bad apples’ is not enough and what you can do instead. Timestamps: 0:56: An introduction to Counter-productive Work Behaviors and their cost 3:50: The costs of CWBs to organizations 5:35: The drivers of CWBs – Understanding the frustration-emotion link 8:42: What about CWBs that are not driven just by frustration? 10:22: Selecting out the ‘bad apples’ and why it’s not enough 13:50: A summary of what we know and what can we do reduce CWBs 17:45: Cyberloafing: The latest and most prevalent form of CWB 22:20: Wrapping up and This Is Not Homework Mentioned This Episode: Our episodes on Personality (Learn about Honesty-Humility!) Our episode on Burnout (Reduce bad behavior and maintain employee well-being) Rescue Time – An app to analyze your own cyberloafing behavior! mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here! Credits: Our intro and outro music is “Ingenuity” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). You can find more of Lee’s music at https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/. Our transition music for this episode is "As I Was Saying” also by Lee; licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 3.0). Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!
MYW Unscripted Episode 03 – Jose and Nicholas Do Their Homework: Recruitment Videos
MYW Unscripted Episode 03 – Jose and Nicholas Do Their Homework: Recruitment Videos
Almost a full season later, Jose and Nicholas finally get around to doing their homework! In this episode, we watch and discuss three very different recruitment videos mentioned in our episode on “What Attracts People to Organizations” (Season 1, Episode 6). We talk about some of the key messages that organizations try to communicate through recruitment videos and what they can tell you (and not tell you) about the organization’s culture. We also discuss the limitations of recruitment videos in general and the importance of seeking information from other sources to help you learn more about your potential organizational suitor. Timestamps: 0:22: What are we talking about today, exactly? 1:51: Amazon recruitment video discussion 4:47: New Zealand Police recruitment video discussion 9:09: Fiverr recruitment video discussion 11:16: General impressions Mentioned This Episode: Amazon Services Recruitment Video - youtube.com/watch?v=KRdn71yG9Lk2. New New Zealand Police Recruitment Video -youtube.com/watch?v=f9psILoYmCc3. Fiverr Recruitment Video -youtube.com/watch?v=S5rvJOcff_I. mindyourworkpodcast@gmail.com – Email us your ideas here! MindYourWorkIO – Send us a tweet! Mindyourwork.io – Find us here! Credits: Our intro and outro music for Unscripted is “Pamgaea” by Kevin McLeod, licensed under licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License. You can find more of Kevin’s music at incompetech.com. Logo Artwork by Antonella Espinoza. Find her at @ellaspin on Twitter!