UVA Data Points

UVA School of Data Science

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The Story of Us
The Story of Us
To view the full digital exhibition visit: https://story.datascience.virginia.edu/ The Story of Us is a digital brand showcase that chronicles the creation of a data science school at the University of Virginia. From an idea to an institute, and now to the first school of its kind in the nation, this bespoke, interactive website tells the story through written and spoken narrative supported by multimedia, archival documentation, and testimony from a diversity of voices. The result is a unique brand piece that combines technology with art, a retrospective of one school’s past and how it will inform its future. It was commissioned by the School of Data Science to mark the opening of its new building in April 2024. The Story of Us website was built by John Baxton, senior web developer for the School of Data Science, who worked in close collaboration with Sue Haas, the School’s information technology director. The designs for the site were created by the Charlottesville-based Journey Group. Video interviews and the audio version of The Story of Us were recorded and edited by Cody Huff, multimedia producer for the School of Data Science, who also coordinated the curation of assets for the project. Monica Manney provided the narration. Research and editorial content for the project were provided by the School of Data Science communications team of Huff, Cooper Allen, Alyssa Brown, Emma Candelier, and Kirsten Samuels. The Story of Us would not have been possible without the cooperation and generous time provided by the key figures interviewed for this project. They are Cathy Anderson, Phil Bourne, Don Brown, Arlyn Burgess, Rick Horwitz, Reggie Leonard, Melissa Phillips, Jim Ryan, Teresa Sullivan, and Jaffray Woodriff. And to all the students, faculty, and staff who contributed to this story over the years, the School of Data Science will forever be grateful.
TikTok, Data Governance, and the US China Landscape: A Conversation with Dr. Anne Kokas
TikTok, Data Governance, and the US China Landscape: A Conversation with Dr. Anne Kokas
In this episode, we're thrilled to have Dr. Aynne Kokas, a C.K. Yen Professor at the Miller Center and an associate professor of media studies at the University of Virginia. Kokas’ research examines Sino-U.S. media and technology relations. Dr. Kokas is also the author of the critically acclaimed book "Trafficking Data: How China Is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty," which we will be referring to frequently throughout this conversation. We will also touch on a few topics that were discussed in her recent conference at the Miller Center titled "U.S.-China Tech Competition: Has Democracy Met Its Match?" During the event, Dr. Kokas and other experts discussed a variety of issues related to the ongoing tech competition between the US and China. For example, they explored the ways in which apps and other technology platforms may be used by the Chinese government for data-gathering purposes, and examined potential policy responses to the increasingly complex data flows between the two countries. Additionally, they discussed the long-term stability of US technology infrastructure and its implications for national security. In addition, there were panels that discussed the digital economy, climate, tech infrastructure, and political influence between China and the US. In this episode we'll be discussing data policy for US-China technology, a topic that has become increasingly relevant in recent years as the two countries continue to compete for dominance in the tech industry. We'll delve into the differences in approach to data policy between China and the United States, the implications of these differences, and how China's digital silk road initiative is expanding its influence over the global digital economy. We'll also discuss the challenges of balancing economic benefits against concerns about national security and human rights, and the future of the technology industry in light of these trends. Links: U.S.–China tech competition: Has democracy met its match? Aynne Kokas website: https://www.aynnekokas.com/ Trafficking Data: How China Is Winning the Battle for Digital Sovereignty