Inspiring Stories

Michael Clogs

We are talking with people who serve our global and local communities as experts and policy creators. These have an influence on the community around us. As you listen you can gain tips to help you and your business gain more influence and sell more products in your local community. Remember People buy from those they recognize and trust. #inspiringstories #entrepreneur #business #iTunes #life #JOY

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Shanti Means a Deeper Inner Peace With Self
Shanti Means a Deeper Inner Peace With Self
My name is Bonnie Jagpal, owner and founder of Inner Shanti Healing. I was born and raised in beautiful British Columbia. My journey into the world of energy healing was unexpected to say the least. I had battled chronic gastrointestinal issues for the most of my life and in 2015 I was diagnosed with Crohn's and Celiac disease. I was given steroid medications to manage my symptoms, but the side effects were very hard on my body. I was sick almost every day and was experiencing a decline in my mental and physical health. This inspired me to explore different options. I have always had an affinity to holistic healing and spiritual remedies and so after lengthy research, I began seeing an energy healer. Leaning into meditation and energy healing, it helped decrease my symptoms and I started to notice positive changes in my overall health. Fast forward a few years, I received the amazing news from my doctor that she barely saw anymore signs of Crohn's. Feeling and seeing these positive results compelled me to share my experience with others. With the help of my personal energy healer, whom I call my angel, Selena Jones I took the plunge back into school to study anatomy and further honed my skills by studying a couple different modalities of energy healing and became a therapeutic touch healing and an emotion code practitioner. Using my intuitive gifts, and knowledge I focus on the energy healing of the body, mind and spirit to achieve Inner Shanti (peace). For all and any inquires please feel free to contact me via email, or visit a supporter of this podcast:
Healing Your Soul with Blended Spirit
Healing Your Soul with Blended Spirit
As most of the people I help, I too had some pretty traumatic experiences growing up but I always kept my optimism and serious intuition. By the time I was 16 I was working two full-time jobs (you can imagine the backstory) this was when I met my soulmate, Tom; I knew it would change my life forever. I was driven and fearless at 18 and I was running a Subway but unfortunately, I was a bit of a workaholic and had a nervous breakdown by 21 so I began to learn to heal.Activating my gifts, just a little, and once healed the next chapter was business. I decided to get a business degree and managed be top of my class at Pittman Business School in Vancouver. After business school I ran a trucking company then a security company while I was blessed with two amazing boys. These boys were 5 years apart and came with their own set of challenges. My oldest son was so empathic and gifted that modern society did not understand him and he ended up getting very sick. After 6 years applying modern medicine, in and out of Children's Hospital, no matter what we tried modern medicine just didn't work. Luckily Divine stepped in and introduced me to the most amazing healer. She helped me activate my gifts again and showed me the clear path to how I could heal myself, my family and start following my path and purpose.The first couple years I healed my kids, myself, my husband, my family, and anybody I could get my hands on.With such success I needed to expand, and I reached out to the public. I did over 250 healing in my first year!I'm proud to announce that since I decided focus full time on my healing and wellness business in 2016, I have been changing lives. I have assisted in over 2200 healings last year alone and reached my personal goal of 5000 healings in June 2021.Love and wellness, Teresa Collins a supporter of this podcast: