FHMoms Radio - Parenting, Freelancing, and Entrepreneurship

MK Bertulfo

Be financially free. Enjoy more time with your loved ones. Turn your dreams into reality. All in the comfort of your home! Learn from success stories and best practices on freelancing, entrepreneurship, parenting…and everything else in between. Filipina Homebased Moms (FHMoms) brings together mothers who learn-and-earn from home, and bridges them with biz owners worldwide who work with world-class go-getters and freelancers. Visit https://fhmoms.com/ to find out how FHMoms is changing lives, one Mom at a time. read less


#ChikahanHour:: How the Beauty of Motherhood Reinvented Nina Corpuz’ Career as a MediaMomPreNeur
#ChikahanHour:: How the Beauty of Motherhood Reinvented Nina Corpuz’ Career as a MediaMomPreNeur
Being a journalist – especially those who are in the field – is one of the most dangerous professions an individual could dive into. There have been cases of journalists being killed, attacked, and silenced in an inhumane way, but people who are passionate about what they do still continue to serve as the public’s heroic messenger. However, being a hero doesn’t only reflect within the journalists’ job. Anyone could be a hero in their own form, just like how a woman who turned into a mom – from being a field reporter and broadcast journalist before the pandemic – stood as a model not only for her kids but also for people around her.Nina Corpuz- Rodriguez is known by the public as a broadcast journalist, host, and field reporter from ABS-CBN Network. She worked as a field reporter for ABS-CBN News, Bandila, and ANC for more than 15 years, aside from being a host of Magandang Gabi Doc in DZMM Teleradyo for more than 10 years and Good Vibes for the last three years until the closure of the network.She is a mother of three: Stella (8), Emily (6), and Luke (3), and is the Founder of the hand-woven clothing line Nina Inabel where she helps people enjoy and advocate indigenous fabrics and fashion at the same time. She also produces her own health program online called “Hashtag Healthy Naman” where she interviews the best Filipino doctors in the country. This is how she provides people with free online consultations through the program, especially at this moment of the pandemic.In this episode, Nina talks about the beauty of being a mom and how priceless of a job that is. She shares her experience of having to make a very hard choice – choosing to let her job as a journalist go – in order to be a hands-on mother to her kids. It was a big sacrifice on her side, knowing how deep her passion for the profession is; nevertheless, just like what her words say, it has been the best decision she has ever made in life.Aside from this, Nina also discusses how the world she deals with work in relation to her business Nina Inabel. Here, she answers people’s questions about her experience and how a business allows an entrepreneur to build connections with the public.Listen and learn about Nina and what she does through this episode.Connect with Nina Corpuz-Rodriguez:Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mommyninaph Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ninacorpuz/?hl=en
#ChikahanHour: Unfolding the Reality Behind Working as a Freelancer with Agency Owners and Recruiters Mommy Bless, Hot Momma, and Bully Mom
#ChikahanHour: Unfolding the Reality Behind Working as a Freelancer with Agency Owners and Recruiters Mommy Bless, Hot Momma, and Bully Mom
As people apply for jobs we’ve either seen in ads or have always been our dream role, we often see a limited side of the story wherein it’s focused on our part alone. People tend to think of where it went wrong and why it did not work out based on the angle they see fits; however, it could have been forgotten that the setting involves two actors.Have you ever been in a job interview where you thought you lost it due to the immense amount of unnecessary background noise? Have you ever experienced being an employee and/or a newbie who keeps on making faults while at work? Do you have a personal story in relation to almost failing the interview you’ve successfully done before but makes you feel nervous again?Today, join us as we uncover the agency owners’ and recruiters’ side of the story and discover their thoughts on the usual dilemmas they experience at work. Mommy Bless, Hot Momma, and Bully Mom are agency owners and recruiters who already became a part of FHMom’s sessions before; however, in this episode, they are presented in an anonymous state so they could also be straightforward with the truth that lies underneath the surface.Here, they share narratives of what they have come to experience during the hiring and newbie periods that actually send the employee into a bad spotlight in the agency. Be it the unprofessionalism, immature and unready state of personalities, and ineffective communication factor, all are mentioned within the hour.Have a taste of what it’s like to be an owner and a recruiter of an agency, and receive tips from our guest Moms who work in the same field.
#ChikahanHour: Parenting and Motherhood in Action with First Time Mom Maricel Tulfo - Tungol
#ChikahanHour: Parenting and Motherhood in Action with First Time Mom Maricel Tulfo - Tungol
Motherhood has been considered one of the greatest blessings a woman can receive.But as a first-time mom and parent, it can be a roller coaster of a ride and adjustment.Not only the physical challenges contribute to how hard it is to be a mom nowadays, but the ongoing pandemic also complicates the process.What can we do to be a better parent to our kid/s and avoid having them experience the complexities of the modern world?Maricel “Mar” Tulfo – Tungol is the eldest daughter of Philippine idol Raffy Tulfo and is ACT-CIS’s Atty. Garreth’s beloved wife. She’s a mother to their son Grayson who is only a three-month-old baby at the present time and is also a businesswoman who manages her father’s Raffy Tulfo in Action merchandise aside from her personal business. Although her pregnancy came out unplanned due to her having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), her son Grayson became her life’s greatest blessing she’s grown to cherish so much. Not only she became a hands-on mom, but Mommy Mar also reached the point of countless realizations as she faced her life’s new segment – motherhood.In this episode, Mommy Mar shares her experience as a first-time mom who received the blessing at an unexpected time. She talks about how different her journey is, as she admitted to expect what other first-time moms went through in terms of being pregnant. Not only did she had diabetes causing her to be induced, but she also needed to undergo cesarean birth without any experience of labor. Nevertheless, the realization that pregnancy is different for every woman made her more enlightened to the sense of the reality of the world.Connect with Mar Tulfo:• YouTube: Maricel Tulfo Tungol • Facebook: Maricel Tulfo • Instagram: @martulfo
#HomebasedStory: Breaking the Bounds of Disability with Freelancing PWD Couple Billie and Fam Bautista
#HomebasedStory: Breaking the Bounds of Disability with Freelancing PWD Couple Billie and Fam Bautista
People often regard Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) as individuals who lack something within them – whether it focuses on physical and/or skill attributes – just because they don’t appear like what the general public sees as the norm. Thoughts that say they are unworthy and are impossible to be loved have long circulated the skies, but luckily, it is not the case at all times.How can we appreciate those who surround us in a better manner and see what they are really capable of? What can we do to be better listeners and improved individuals who exist altogether in this world?Billie and Fam Bautista are happily married individuals despite the fact that they are now considered members of the PWD. Billy was born with a faulty set of legs, while Pham has a problem that concerns her backbone. Nevertheless, this didn’t stop them from making each other feel loved and complete.In today’s time, they are now parents to a seven-month-old baby named Bella and are both working for their newly formed family. After having a developed sense of attraction a year after Fam got hired by Billy for his Facebook page’s productivity (FB), they finally became official in 2018. Billy has been working as a YouTube specialist and video editor since 2017, after working as a full-time Business Process Outsourcing employee, commonly known as “call center agents”. He started doing vlogs last 2017 on his own page, but as he learns and becomes better afterward, he eventually got invited to appear on TV, with his appearance with Chinkee Tan being one of the most memorable. Fam, on the other hand, is active on their Facebook page Bella where she sells branded items such as bags and watches. These have been their routine since they started to live on their own.Being PWDs members was not as easy as it is for us who don’t pass through what they go through every day. In Billy’s 11 year career in the BPO practice, his body, later on, gave up on him and made him shift to a home-based career. Fam also had to go through changes the moment she gave birth to their daughter. However, as they spend more time building the family they have pillared with love, they got to realize the beauty of love in different ways and kinds.In this episode, this PWD couple talks about the story of how they met each other and soon became lovers. As they share their experiences before and after being together, Billy and Fam also gave tips on how to get online jobs and secure yourself to it. Learn the differences of living a single life and a life with your family, value the concept of interests in skill-improvement, and how important it is to support your loved ones around. A very blissful and entertaining interview that is full of love and adoration you’ll surely enjoy.Know more about Fam and Billy here:• billiebautista.com• facebook.com/bellahappyshopping
#PinayPower: Breaking the Mental Health Stigma with Prof. Jocelyn Mahusay-Casiño
#PinayPower: Breaking the Mental Health Stigma with Prof. Jocelyn Mahusay-Casiño
After months of lockdown in 2020, continuous practice of social distancing, and individuals being quarantined, it has been a time of mental stress and agony for everybody. Since we haven’t been exposed to a pandemic at this scale, we are very aware that everything took a toll on our mental health.What can we do to support each other to get help managing the thoughts we have and the anxiety that we feel?Prof. Jocelyn Mahusay-Casiño is a Registered Guidance Counselor and Licensed Professional Teacher. She has been practicing both professions for more than 20 years where she earned positions such as Associate Professor, Guidance Director, and a Guidance Counselor to Colleges and Universities she worked with. She just started and launched “ComprehenSelf” Counseling, Mental Health, and Well Being Center because of her passion and commitment to help people achieve a better self. She is a motivational speaker, trainer, and competent in handling relationship, emotional, and other psycho-social concerns thru professional therapeutic approaches. She divides her time between speaking to Rescue Kabataan live stream of TikTalk every Saturday, LGU, and other organizations to address Mental Health, teaching, and taking care of her family. She also advocates Empowering Cancer patients because she is a cancer survivor herself.Being a counselor at the age of 20, she realized she wanted to be an instrument of God to be able to reach out to people and empower them. Especially that we lack mental health professionals in our country, she advocates that people will learn how to take care of their mental health by empowering themselves by managing stress.She talks about the importance of recognizing and acknowledging your feelings, flaws, mistakes, wrong decisions and not dwelling on them for too long, that they will not stop you from developing and improving yourself. Learn when to stop, pause, and release and let yourself deal and cope with them, through the help of a good relationship, be it your family, friends, or someone you love and trust. Breaking the stigma, acknowledging that you need help, and getting help from the professional to recover from a psychological concern. A very uplifting and motivating interview you will surely enjoy listening to.Know more about Prof. Jocelyn Mahusay-Casiño here:Facebook (ComprehenSelf Counseling, Mental Health & Well Being Center): https://www.facebook.com/comprehenselfmhjhocasinoLinkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jocelyn-casino-003ab131/?originalSubdomain=ph
#HomebasedStory: Bridging the Gap: Learning in the New Normal with Teacher Sarah Alvarez Cortes, Founder of The Dutiful Teachers PH
#HomebasedStory: Bridging the Gap: Learning in the New Normal with Teacher Sarah Alvarez Cortes, Founder of The Dutiful Teachers PH
As parents, we thought that the way to be academically responsible for our school-age children involves regularly coordinating with teachers in school, providing financial support for their academic requirements, and making sure they participate in extra-curricular activities. This was a system we become attuned to until the COVID-19 pandemic happened.Because of the pandemic, we all became clueless about how to be in control of our kid's education.Sarah Alvarez Cortes is the founder of The Dutiful Teachers (TDT) PH. She's a licensed and experienced educator with a demonstrated history of working in primary and special education services. Her advocacy to promote early language literacy in the country continues by developing her first-ever copyrighted book entitled “Phonics for Non-readers”. Recently, she presented her research paper investigating the development of oral language literacy at an international conference for education in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Even before the pandemic, teacher Sarah envisioned an educational platform that can connect all the parents, students, and teachers using an application or website to give online educational support. It was in the year 2020 that they became fully operational to take on the opportunity since every school is having online classes. Parents and guardians juggling their time in teaching their children and working is a pressing situation that The Dutiful Teachers PH is very aware of.Hence, as a social enterprise, they not only give jobs to displaced private school teachers but also help the parents and guardians teach their children at home effectively by giving them assistance through coaching and consultations. In this #HomebasedStory, Ruf and Teacher Sarah will guide us to how we can bridge the gap in learning in the new normal, the difference between homeschooling, online school, and traditional class, the challenges of homeschooling, and tips and strategies on how to engage your child in learning at home.Connect with Sarah Alvarez CortesFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedutifulteachersph/Book an Appointment: https://thedutifulteachers.setmore.com/?fbclid=IwAR1u87kK_1nkpw1RwgbnrYCKUD7FWRQAPamOzieP2pbyxgStEOe0nTauew4
#HomebasedStory: The Freelancing Leap: Transitioning from Corporate to Freelancing with Christine Levine, FHMOMS Trainer
#HomebasedStory: The Freelancing Leap: Transitioning from Corporate to Freelancing with Christine Levine, FHMOMS Trainer
In this #HomeBasedStory segment, we have FHMoms Trainer Momshie Christine Levine, who shares her journey to becoming a Virtual Assistant coming from corporate.  For Momshie Christine, being a Virtual Assistant is a blessing because after 11 years of working in the corporate, she felt she was not able to fulfill her mommy duties to her children.  She started to weigh on the income factor if she will resign from her corporate job and work full time as a Virtual Assistant.  It was not an easy journey and in fact it took quite some time before she found her true niche in the Virtual Assistant industry. In this episode, she will share some of her unforgettable experiences when she started dipping her toes in the industry. When you’re new, you become excited and would like to take all the possible jobs out there, e.g being an ESL teacher, lead generator, email marketing specialist, social media manager, etc., however, there will be a point in time that you will not be able to handle everything.  There is so much more to this conversation with Momshie Christine, so if you’re new, or if you think you're too old to become a Virtual Assistant or contemplating on making a big shift in your work to become a Virtual Assistant, this episode is highly recommended for you to listen to.Connect with Christine Levinehttps://www.facebook.com/ceelevinehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/levinebarraquio/
#ChikahanHour: 'Paano Maging Podcast Virtual Assistant' feat. ValuePOD Ce Mercado and Eloisa Almonicido
#ChikahanHour: 'Paano Maging Podcast Virtual Assistant' feat. ValuePOD Ce Mercado and Eloisa Almonicido
Brought by the digital shift due to the recent pandemic, podcasts steadily rose in popularity.According to an article by Oberlo as of January 2020, there are 850,000 active podcasts and more than 30 million podcast episodes. For a podcaster to continue to create and publish their transformative message out to their audience, they would somehow need a podcast virtual assistant to keep the consistency of episodes going. For a podcaster clients looking for post-production support became a demand.If you're a mommy who aspires to become a virtual assistant and you want to develop expertise around podcast production and management, guest interview booking, and podcast monetization, and if you want to help your clients become mini-celebrities, get on interviews regularly, and become authorities in their niches to podcasting, but do not know how to do it? But still, you want to have flexible time to do your mommy duties while earning from home, ValuePOD Founders Ce Mercado and Eloisa will walk you through the ins and outs of podcast production with ease.They’ll also share why they chose this skill amongst all virtual assistance skills, and why vouching from personal experience they can say that podcast virtual assistance is a skill that perfectly fits the demand of being a mom who can juggle being a family care provider while maintaining a hustle.Also, discover how the 350,000 strong community members of FHMoms’ became the main key factor and ‘secret sauce’ for Mommy MK to dominate Apple Podcast: All Category #Number 1 spot, even before officially launching FHMoms Radio. Enjoy today’s episode of ChikahanHour. Connect with ValuePod Productions: Podcast Editing and Management Serviceshttps://www.facebook.com/ValuePodProductions
#ChikahanHour: 'Beyond the News' feat. Tita Jing Castaneda
#ChikahanHour: 'Beyond the News' feat. Tita Jing Castaneda
How do we define 'resilience' as a mom?Is it the ability to maintain a successful career? .... the ability to raise a family through comfort and guidance? ...Or by the ability to do both at the same time while still finding time to make your advocacies happen, in the middle of the pandemic while facing difficulties?Jing Castaneda also known as the MediaMom -Tita Jing,  is a journalist, a news anchor, a program host, and the former Program Direct of Bantay Bata 163.Off-cam, Tita Jing is also a Mom, a mother to 3 makukulit na chikitings: Fiona, Fiana, and Fae-Fae. And a dutiful wife to my very gwapong husband, Nonong.Listen to today’s episode and be inspired to hear an intimate #ChikahanHour of resilience and passion with Tita JingTita Jing believes that life -- particularly raising a family, is a challenging journey, but sharing the load with fellow travelers makes it fun and worthwhile.Find out what propels Tita Jing to move forward, do what she does now, how she was able to cope during the pandemic, the non-renewal of the ABS-CBN franchise, and her journey as she shifts from mainstream media to digital to share empowering, accurate, and practical information to change the world, one story, one family, and one child at a time while most importantly winning in keeping a happy, healthy home for her family.Connect with Tita Jing CastanedaInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jingcastaneda/?hl=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/MommyJingCastanedaYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIb8uXDJKdGOlM2m00CgK3w
#HomebasedStory with Kuracha Mommy MK Bertulfo
#HomebasedStory with Kuracha Mommy MK Bertulfo
It was the 8-hour daily grind plus the chaotic traffic in the metro which made Maria Korina Bertulfo contemplate on transitioning to working from home.From queuing to long lines of public transportation and having to experience heavy traffic when going home, these reasons results to her often absence in his son and loved ones’ lives. She is just like most moms out there who sincerely wishes to have more time with their families, but unfortunately has to go to work, so they are left with no choice but to leave their kids under the care of a helper.She came across onlinejobs.ph, one of the biggest and known online home-based job portal. She tried creating a profile for the first time -lo and behold, after only a few hours, someone had already sent her an invite to work. Unable to contain her happiness, she gloriously shared her experience to her mom-friends whom eventually, she had helped landed online jobs, too. Lending a helping hand comes naturally from Mommy MK, as she was fondly called. Her heart is filled with so much joy whenever she sees the results of the help she provided to hundreds of moms asking guidance from her. After basking in the glory of her life changing experience on landing an online job that turns now into her full-time career, she thought of other moms who were in the same shoes as her before. Being a mom herself, she definitely understands the struggles of making both ends meet and at the same time taking care of their growing family.And that led her to creating the support group via FB which she named Filipina Homebased Moms, a community catering to Filipina moms who wishes to have home-based jobs as well. As of writing, her page now has more than 300K members and counting. Whatever FHMOMS is right now, its success is because of a lot of moms who has the same vision and mission in life, and that is to extend help to each other to be a Wondermom in a world full of chaos and problems. Each and everyone serves as an inspiration and advisers to all the members of this group.Connect with FHMoms:Facebook: https://facebook.com/fhmomscommunity Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fhmomscommunity/Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/fhmomscommunity Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fhmomscommunity/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/fhmomscommunity