Anything Pawsible - Pet Life Radio Original (

Dr. Courtney Campbell

Anything Pawsible is a podcast where Dr. Courtney gets to talk to some of the most fascinating and engaging people about pets, animals and veterinary medicine in general. By having these conversations we’ll get to drill down on the ways animals influence our everyday lives, and why anything is truly possible when it comes to the animal world. Whether you're a pet parent, or you're in the veterinary medical profession or just passively curious about animals, the conversations we have here will hopefully give you a reason to celebrate the human-animal bond. read less
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Anything Pawsible Episode 5 What Does a Veterinarian Look Like? A Conversation with Dr. Quicksall of the Multicultural Veterinary Medical Association (MCVMA)
Anything Pawsible Episode 5 What Does a Veterinarian Look Like? A Conversation with Dr. Quicksall of the Multicultural Veterinary Medical Association (MCVMA)
‘When is the doctor coming in?’ Some clients have preconceived notions of what a veterinarians looks like and they can be a bit stupefied when they see the unexpected. This can make a veterinarian feel like an outsider in the profession that they love. The Multicultural Veterinary Medical Association aims to change that. This is an eye-opening conversation with Dr. Marie Quicksall, founding member of the Multicultural Veterinary Medical Association. This discussion traverses a vast array of topics regarding multiculturalism in the field including how bias in veterinary medicine can influence patient care, the veterinary-client relationship, and well being in the workplace. The goals of the organization are to improve communication between different cultures in the field and reinforce the power of representation. According to the 2017 Bureau of Labor Statistics report "Labor Force Characteristics by Race and Ethnicity," about 92 percent of the veterinarians in the U.S. are white. MCVMA hopes its efforts will bring awareness to underrepresented groups that veterinary medicine is a career option. This is a truly enlightening and feel-good conversation that highlights the outstanding volunteers helping to improve an already great profession. EPISODE NOTES: What Does a Veterinarian Look Like? A Conversation with Dr. Quicksall of the Multicultural Veterinary Medical Association (MCVMA)
Anything Pawsible Episode 3 What Diseases Can Humans Transmit to Animals? And Other Emerging Infectious Diseases with Dr. Tony Goldberg
Anything Pawsible Episode 3 What Diseases Can Humans Transmit to Animals? And Other Emerging Infectious Diseases with Dr. Tony Goldberg
"What diseases can I catch from my dog?" You've probably heard someone ask that question before. In fact, you may have even contemplated or researched it for yourself. But what diseases can we give to animals? In the wake of chimpanzee respiratory disease outbreaks, Giardia transmission in African wild dogs, and human MRSA transmission to animals, reverse zoonosis (diseases humans pass to animals) is important to discuss. Compared to classic zoonotic disease transmission (animals to humans), reverse zoonosis is a far less researched topic but that is changing thanks to the tireless research by a team of researchers dedicated to protecting the health of all species. In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Tony Goldberg, a veterinary epidemiologist that doggedly pursues and fights infectious disease. This is a discussion that covers past, present, and future research on emerging diseases including a discussion on reverse zoonosis. We cover a lot of ground and our dialogue quickly transitions between different species. Preventing infectious disease lays the groundwork for our conversation and we expand to how our current understanding will lead to better methods of disease prevention. Although, the focus of this episode is centered on dangerous pathogens, it's undergirded by the beauty and depth of the human-animal bond along with the ecosystems that we all share. By understanding our role in combating infectious disease, we can protect all species from the spread of these deadly microorganisms and help further the One Health initiative. EPISODE NOTES: What Diseases Can Humans Transmit to Animals? And Other Emerging Infectious Diseases with Dr. Tony Goldberg