The Penis Project

Sexologist Melissa Hadley Barrett and Physiotherapist Dr Jo Milios

Welcome to The Penis Project Podcast. Connecting men through science, stories, solutions but most of all support. Founded by Melissa Hadley Barrett & Dr Jo Milios (PHD), this podcast is dedicated to stories from men who have bravely recognised the importance of sharing their experiences, breaking down stigmas, and having no-filter chats about sexual health, cancer treatment and recovery, relationships and everything in between. This is your online men’s health support group where I answer questions you’ve always had but are too embarrassed to ask. read less
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174: Dangerfield does Mike - Nerve grafting post prostate cancer removal for erectile function
174: Dangerfield does Mike - Nerve grafting post prostate cancer removal for erectile function
This is another episode where you the listeners asked for it, so you got it. Most exciting this week is we have guest interviewer Victoria Cullen from ‘A Touchy Subject’ on the interview.  If you don’t know about Victoria and you have had prostate cancer treatment- you, should, she has awesome information for people in this area so check out her website  Many of you saw the TV show where Dr. David Dangerfield was interviewed about this surgery. Professor Chris Coombes and Dr. David Dangerfield perform this surgery to return erectile function to men post prostate cancer treatment. Following Dr Dangerfield’s TV interview, I was inundated with requests for more information so here it is.   Those of you who are longtime listeners of The Penis Project may remember Episode 46-way back in August 2021 where Jo Milios and I interviewed Dr. Dangerfield on this life changing surgery, and following in that we interviewed a patient who had been through the surgery (Episode 83). A few years have passed now and, in this episode, we speak with Mike who had non nerve sparing prostatectomy in May 2023 and recently had microsurgery with Dr. Dangerfield and Dr. Coombs to repair his erectile dysfunction.   The plan is we will follow Mike’s journey over the next 12 months and see how he goes, so listen here for the initial post op recovery and keep listening for updates.  Also, if you want to know more, we will be interviewing Dr. Dangerfield himself in September 2024 so keep listening.  ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
172: Pelvic Health and Continence Physiotherapy with Louise Hug
172: Pelvic Health and Continence Physiotherapy with Louise Hug
Today on The Penis Project Project podcast I speak with Louise Hug. I work closely with Louise as she sees many of the men that I see pre-prostatectomy and she does women’s pelvic health too, so we cross paths quite a bit. Sometimes men tell me snippets of their consultations with Louise, and she has some great tips to share and ways of explaining pelvic floor training. So, for today’s episode I have asked her to share them with you.  About Louise:   Pelvic Health Physiotherapist  MClin (Pelvic Health and Continence)  BSc (Physiotherapy), APAM, MACP  She completed her Undergraduate Bachelor of Physiotherapy at the University of Notre Dame, then commenced work at a private practice shortly after graduating. In 2021 she completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Continence and Pelvic Health Physiotherapy, followed by completion of Clinical Masters, majoring in Pelvic Health and Continence Physiotherapy. Following Graduation, she worked with Dr Judith Thompson (Physiotherapist PhD) who I have interviewed previously the podcast.    She worked musculoskeletal physiotherapy for eight years treating neck, back and pelvic girdle pain with both hands-on and gym-based treatment. In 2015 she developed an interest in core activation, breath work and muscle balance for rehabilitation, subsequently completing a Cert IV in Pilates.   In her early sporting life, she was a full-time gymnast until the age of 13 and enjoyed tennis, pilates, swimming and barre. These experiences gave her an understanding of injury management and prevention. This is what motivates her to assist others with their return to daily life and sport, not only post-injury but also after life events such as vaginal delivery and caesarean section, as well as gynaecological, breast cancer and prostate surgery.    She has completed several courses upskilling in Women’s and Men’s Urinary Continence and Ano-Rectal Dysfunction expanding her knowledge, leading to a passion in the field of Pelvic Health. She provides treatment that has evidence-based support.   She is passionate about assisting both male and female patients with their bladder, bowel, and sexual function.   Check out her spoken bio on you tube here:  Also I videoed this interview so if you would like to see us in person check out my You tube channel: Melissa Hadley Barrett    You tube:  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
171: Cool Beans
171: Cool Beans
Today we speak to Saara Jamieson, a scientist with a very cool invention.   Cool Beans is an innovative, cooling underwear designed to boost sperm health and improve the likelihood of conception for couples, but as you will hear in this episode, this is not all they do.   Cool Beans are a registered medical device with the Therapeutic Goods Administration Registrar (ARTG 379655). Who would have though a pair of jocks could be a medical device - the mind boggles!   Cool Beans are far more than your run-of-the-mill underwear, they are designed to keep the testes cool and ensure the scrotum remains on the lap, not between the thighs when seated, which is imperative for sperm health and comfortability.  They are a breakthrough in men’s fertility health. But if fertility isn’t your thing, this is not all they do. They keep your testicles cool and in doing so, can improve testosterone levels which if you are a regular Penis Project listener you will know gives you your get up and go, sex drive and improves your mood.  These cool dudes also help with pain from varicoceles, providing amazing support. Many older men struggle with scrotal sagging, discomfort, testicular torsion, sitting on scrotum, scrotums that hang low and get in the way when sitting down and post-surgical support.   Discount code to use for 10% discount: COOLMHB   Website link for 10% discount: Instagram: coolbeansunderwear  Facebook: coolbeansunderwear   Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
170: 7P’s of prostate: Prior Preparation prevents a piss poor performance of your prostate
170: 7P’s of prostate: Prior Preparation prevents a piss poor performance of your prostate
This week we hear the story of Faryar who had his prostate removed in November 2023. If you are a regular listener to The Penis Project you may have heard stories of “young blokes” who recover quickly and this prostate removal business is a blip on the radar for them, you may even think “well that’s ok for these young fellas”.  But this is a story of guy a bit older who has an amazing recovery. Why did he have such a smooth recovery?  I believe prior preparation is the key. This is not to say that you can have done everything right and still have troubles but is you put in the work you are more like to have a speedy recovery.  Faryar has had a personal trainer for 15 years and consequently started his journey in tip-top shape which helped his recovery. Listen here, to see how you can improve your quality of life and performance with exercise and specific training.   Please don’t let this story give you FOMO, instead think “I can do that too” and get moving, or as a well-known sports brand puts it “Just Do It!”   Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
168: A Touchy Subject
168: A Touchy Subject
In this episode I speak to the amazing founder of “A Touchy Subject”, Victoria Cullen.  A Touchy Subject is a great resource for men and their partners about sexual recovery when diagnosed with prostate cancer. They are obsessed with uncovering ‘the practical stuff’ from the latest clinical literature, and from the thousands of conversations we have with men ‘MacGyvering’ their way through sexual recovery. They have YouTube videos, blogs, free programs and more to help you on your journey. They also have a list of recommended products to help with the process.  Victoria and I chat about common issues we hear from men and their partners and ways to navigate them. The overarching thought is that; it takes a bit work, ingenuity, a sense of humour, and my favorite skill, “stickability”.   Links from discussion with Victoria Cullen “A Touchy Subject”:  - Rehab program:  - This is where the Vacurect mastery course will be (demo videos + top tips):  - Tess Deveze's two-minute game:  - Soft penis pleasure course:  - Vulva pleasure course:  - Study on erectile function return (but not necessarily sexual satisfaction): (Terrier et al., 2018)  - My Ilo egg vibrator  - Pump Hub waitlist:  - Pump-A-Sutra waitlist:  Vacurect affiliate links:  - Australia/New Zealand -  - USA/Canada -  ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
166: Running for life - A prostate cancer story
166: Running for life - A prostate cancer story
In this episode of the "Penis Project Podcast," I chat with Jason Phillips to discuss his journey following his prostate surgery. Jason wants to give back, get on with life as he knows it and most importantly raise awareness about prostate cancer for other men. His way of doing it? Running 129km in rural Western Australia to raise money for research at PCFA.    I hope you enjoy this inspiring story. Follow his training and run at his socials below. He leaves the starting blocks 24th April and is hoping to finish on the 25th April (ANZAC day).    This is the link to Jason’s official PCFA fundraising page:    The following are the links to Jason’s socials:  Facebook -  Instagram -    Episode Summary   - Prostate cancer treatment journey    - Getting on with life as ‘normal’   - Survival  ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
161: Rehabilitation – A Game Changer! Penile Rehabilitation after prostate cancer treatment. Harden Up Day, Wild Erections and more….
161: Rehabilitation – A Game Changer! Penile Rehabilitation after prostate cancer treatment. Harden Up Day, Wild Erections and more….
In this episode, we have a chat with Jonathon and Jeanine, all the way from NZ. Jonathon thought he would get prostate cancer, as his family had a history of it, and he was proactive in getting a diagnosis and watched it for 4 years before finally being advised it was time to remove it in December 2022.   This is an excellent, honest conversation with this lovely couple where they discuss their fears, treatment and recovery journey. They are both open and vulnerable with how this journey affected them as a couple and individually.  Being proactive, Jonathan sort out as much information as he could and that is how he found The Penis Project and Victoria Cullen- A Touchy Subject    He found these both invaluable resources. He was surprised to find out that despite being offered excellent treatment for the cancer, his aftercare and information provided to enable him to return to ‘normal” was lacking. This led him to enroll in the Online Penile Rehabilitation Program which he found to be an invaluable tool in his recovery process.   Jeanine discusses her reaction to the changes and how she dealt with these and the changes in his responsiveness. Listen to this episode for these and many more useful tips to navigate this journey.   If you enjoy this podcast, you may also like Episode #123: 300-400 Times Penile Injections  If you would like to know more about the Online Penile Rehabilitation Program please go here:  Link for the products discussed in podcast:   Vacurect-  Bathmate-   Firmtech Ring-   ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
159: Feelings & Healing – A Chat with Michael Hodge
159: Feelings & Healing – A Chat with Michael Hodge
You've probably heard about stress causing ED, but what about the role of repressed emotions? In this episode I chat via Zoom with Michael Hodge in Texas, who shares his unique perspective and introduces what he describes as the "root cause model" of sexual dysfunction.  Michael’s personal journey included five years of grappling with severe pelvic pain, persistent urinary issues, and sexual dysfunction in his 20s. After his recovery, he embarked on a quest to uncover the root causes of these complex mind-body issues. In collaboration with renowned pelvic health specialist Dr. Brianne Grogan, Michael developed a program dedicated to helping men go beyond the surface level symptoms and delve deeper into the depths of genitourinary dysfunction.  Michael's Website:  Vigor Sexual Strength Program (for ED and PE):    Transform YouTube:    The topics discussed in today’s podcast include:   Mind/Body Connection Breathwork Masculinity    End Credits:   ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
157: Mismatched libidos - what, why and how.
157: Mismatched libidos - what, why and how.
This week we meet Dr. Elisabeth Gordon, a New York based Integrative sexual health psychiatrist, who is passionate about sexual health education, health and happiness. It was very exciting to speak with Elisabeth, who had some great insights to share on mismatched libidos. This is an issue I am often asked about in clinic, and I reached out to Dr. Elisabeth to see if she could share her knowledge with us.   Dr. Gordon’s philosophy is that - “Sexuality is an essential component of identity and a key element of our lives and intimate relationships, with ourselves and others. In addition, sexual health is intrinsically related to physical and mental health. Being satisfied with your sexuality and sexual interactions can create a sense of happiness, support your well-being and health, and increase satisfaction with relationships. Unfortunately, many people have difficulties with sex, both psychologically and/ or physically and, in turn, these difficulties and dysfunctions can negatively impact your mood, health, and relationships.”  I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed speaking with Elisabeth. She is a great communicator and makes a difficult subject all seem so simple.   To find out more about Elisabeth go to  Instagram: @psychandsexmd  Linked In: Elisabeth Gordon   Facebook:    End Credits:   ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders        Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin:
156: Help, my penis is stuck up! Priapism’s - the what, why, and how.
156: Help, my penis is stuck up! Priapism’s - the what, why, and how.
This week Kendall and Melissa talk about priapism. A priapism is an erection that is sustained fully erect for longer than 2 hours. This sounds like a dream come true if you have been suffering with erectile dysfunction, however it is a painful and scary situation to find yourself in.  This is the most common reason men site for not wanting to try injection therapies for erectile dysfunction.   This issue actually occurs very infrequently if the practitioner teaching you injectable therapies is experienced and cautious with initial dosing, and if the patient follows instructions. In this episode, the details of priapism and how to avoid and resolve this issue are discussed in detail.   If you have erectile dysfunction and would like to try but are scared of this possible side effect, listen here to find out the facts instead of urban myths.   End Credits:   ----------  Websites:   Men’s health only  All genders     Facebook:    Instagram:     Linkedin: