What if you have worked in the medical system and chose to home birth realising that is the best option for you?
That's Baneen Karachiwala, a Public Health Researcher, Baneen has been associated with various organisations at the national and international level for the last 19 years, providing support in research, documentation and programmatic interventions in the fields of health and development across India. Her special interests lie in the areas of human rights, maternal and child health.
She moved to Goa 7 years ago and now has shifted focus to the areas of hospitality and interior design.
In this episode, Baneen walks us through the various challenges we face today both in public and private maternal healthcare system including respectful maternity care as a precursor to her home birth story where placenta accreta was known in advance.
We discuss:
There are so many beautiful nuggets that Baneen has shared over the course of her story . Hope it inspires some of you to explore the options you may have around you to birth the way you desire!
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Baneen Karachiwala
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