The Dave Bowman Show

Dave Bowman

After relocating to the PACNORWEST, Dave continues his look at the news, politics, trends, history, religion, sports and even entertainment of the day... read less


WTF - State of Emergency?
WTF - State of Emergency?
In the latest episode of “What The Frock,” listeners were treated to the unique banter and insightful discussions that have become the hallmark of this engaging podcast. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod, this episode once again proved why this podcast has captured the hearts and minds of its audience. The episode kicks off with Rabbi Dave’s playful teasing of Friar Rod’s choice of headwear, setting the tone for an episode filled with humor, candid observations, and a touch of irreverence. The duo briefly delved into their shared interest in the Sacramento River Cats baseball team, hinting at the personal quirks and interests that enrich their on-air chemistry. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod then embarked on a historical journey, recounting the intriguing tale of Christopher Columbus in Jamaica during 1501. They used this story to explore themes of power, persuasion, and the unexpected impact of natural phenomena, such as eclipses, on human history. This narrative not only showcased the hosts’ knack for storytelling but also illuminated lesser-known facets of history, engaging listeners with a blend of education and entertainment. The conversation took a contemporary turn with discussions on current events, including state responses to upcoming eclipses and potential overreactions fueled by conspiracy theories. This segment highlighted the podcast’s ability to pivot from historical anecdotes to modern-day absurdities, weaving together a tapestry of topics that keeps the listener hooked. Throughout the episode, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod maintained a delicate balance between humor and seriousness, effortlessly transitioning from lighthearted banter to thoughtful commentary on social issues and historical events. Their dynamic rapport and the seamless flow of conversation underscored the podcast’s appeal: a blend of entertainment, education, and enlightenment. As the episode drew to a close, the hosts touched on their personal lives and upcoming plans, reminding listeners of the genuine connection and camaraderie that underpins “What The Frock.” This blend of personal anecdotes with broader cultural and historical discussions encapsulates the essence of the podcast: a platform where diverse topics converge, presented by hosts who are as insightful as they are entertaining. In summary, this episode of “What The Frock” is a testament to the unique charm and intellectual curiosity that Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod bring to the airwaves. With a mix of humor, history, and heartfelt discussions, they continue to offer a podcast that is not only enjoyable but thought-provoking, inviting listeners to explore the world through their distinctive lens.
WTF - International (Something) Awareness Day
WTF - International (Something) Awareness Day
This week on “What The Frock,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into a vibrant discussion, touching upon a myriad of topics that span religion, politics, and culture, with a special focus on Easter Sunday, which coincidentally aligns with Ramadan and the Transgender Day of Visibility. They kick off by acknowledging the simultaneous occurrence of significant religious observances for Christians, Muslims, and Jews, setting a tone of interfaith dialogue. The conversation swiftly moves into more contentious waters, addressing the actions and religious identity of the current U.S. President, Joe Biden, with particular scrutiny on his Catholic faith and political decisions, suggesting a disconnect between public persona and personal beliefs. This segues into a broader debate on identity, practice, and perception in religious adherence, drawing parallels to the concept of ‘Jack Mormons’ and the implications of publicly declared faith versus actual practice. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod also touch upon the declaration of Easter Sunday as the Transgender Day of Visibility by President Biden, sparking a critique of the timing and perceived political motivations behind such proclamations. This leads to a broader discussion on the politicization of identity and rights, the role of awareness days, and the impact of such decisions on religious communities and societal norms. Throughout the episode, the co-hosts engage in a back-and-forth that is both humorous and insightful, peppered with cultural references, personal anecdotes, and a candid appraisal of current events. They do not shy away from controversial topics, offering critiques on various issues, including the commercialization of awareness campaigns and the politicization of identity and religious observances. As the episode unfolds, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod also venture into discussions on societal and cultural phenomena outside the religious sphere, such as the implications of squatter’s rights, the nuances of baseball fandom, and the peculiarities of minor league team names. These detours offer listeners a breather from the heavier topics and showcase the hosts’ wide-ranging interests and wit. The episode concludes on a reflective note, with Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod pondering the significance of actions over words, the essence of American values, and the ongoing challenges facing society in reconciling diverse beliefs and practices. Despite the complexities discussed, the episode is imbued with a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect, highlighting the podcast’s ability to navigate sensitive issues with humor and depth. In sum, this episode of “What The Frock” is a microcosm of contemporary societal discourse, encapsulating the tensions and dialogues that define our times. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod masterfully blend levity with seriousness, inviting listeners to reflect on the multifaceted nature of identity, belief, and community in an ever-evolving world.
DDH - "Or Aid Or Comfort To The Enemies Thereof..."
DDH - "Or Aid Or Comfort To The Enemies Thereof..."
What if… we had a President who disagreed with Congress on everything? And when I say, “everything,” I mean… “everything?” What if the Congress passed a law that was so important to the national development of our society that it was deemed in many places, and a “new birth of freedom,” and the President, vetoed it? What would the reaction be? If this were to happen, how would it change the course of the nation? What would be the result of a direct conflict between the power and authority of the executive and the power of Congress to make law? And… if this were to ever happen, what could Congress do to make sure that the President couldn’t even try to do it again? This week on Dave Does History on Bill Mick Live, we’re going to take a look into one of the most controversial acts of the Reconstruction era: President Andrew Johnson’s veto of the 1866 Civil Rights Act. In the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States found itself at a crossroads, grappling with the challenges of reintegrating the Southern states and defining the status of freed slaves. It was a time of bold ideas, fierce debates, and monumental legislation that aimed to redefine the fabric of American society. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 emerged as a cornerstone, promising to grant African Americans the rights of citizenship denied to them for centuries. However, it faced opposition from an unexpected quarter: the President of the United States. Andrew Johnson, who ascended to the presidency after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, vetoed the Act, setting the stage for a historic clash with Congress. Why did Johnson veto this groundbreaking legislation? What were the implications of his actions, both immediate and long-term? And how did Congress respond? In this episode we will explore these questions and more, shedding light on a tumultuous period in American history that continues to resonate today.
WTF - The Trojan War
WTF - The Trojan War
The weeks episode kicks off with the dynamic duo of Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod, who immediately dive into a light-hearted banter about not being Irish, a humorous nod to a previous episode’s feedback. However, the levity soon shifts as they segue into discussing contemporary events, such as the war in Ukraine and a peculiar terrorist attack in Moscow, sparking a debate over its authenticity and implications. This discussion cleverly parallels the intricacies and deceptions often found in historical wars, setting the stage for their main topic. The core of the episode explores the Trojan War, not just as the mythologized battle over Helen of Troy but as a significant event influenced by economic and political factors. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod unpack the war’s underlying causes, including the struggle for resources and the power of propaganda, drawing parallels to modern conflicts. Their conversation illuminates how historical narratives are shaped by more than just the dramatic episodes we often remember, such as the infamous wooden horse. What makes this episode particularly engaging is the hosts’ ability to link these ancient themes to contemporary issues, such as the manipulation of narratives in the media and politics. They discuss how, much like the ancient Greeks and Trojans, modern societies are still swayed by tales that stir emotion and nationalistic fervor, often overshadowing the more complex realities behind conflicts. Throughout the episode, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod maintain a balance of humor and depth, making historical and cultural analysis accessible and entertaining. Their banter, combined with their insightful commentary, creates a podcast experience that is both enlightening and enjoyable. In “The Trojan War” episode of “What The Frock,” listeners are treated to a unique blend of history, current events, and humor. Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod prove once again why their show is a must-listen for those who appreciate a thoughtful, amusing take on the world’s ongoing and ancient dramas.
WTF: Hot Monkey Tree SEX!!!!
WTF: Hot Monkey Tree SEX!!!!
In an engaging episode of “What the Frock,” Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod dive into a mix of personal anecdotes, cultural observations, and light-hearted banter, reflecting on the quirks of daily life and broader societal trends. From the onset, Rabbi Dave greets the audience with a cheerful “Good morning, America,” setting the tone for a show that intertwines humor with moments of genuine reflection. As spring arrives, both hosts grapple with the annual nuisance of pollen, sharing their personal battles with allergies. Rabbi Dave humorously describes the trees in his yard engaging in “tree sex” as soon as the sun shines, leading to his own discomfort. The conversation seamlessly shifts from personal afflictions to broader topics, such as the peculiarities of local weather, the challenges of adapting to different climates, and the unexpected joys and sorrows that come with seasonal changes. The discussion takes a playful turn as Friar Rod introduces the concept of the “Pirate Bible,” sparking a debate on the nuances of pirate versus Irish accents. This light-hearted segment serves as a segue into the celebration of cultural events like Saint Patrick’s Day, with both hosts sharing their mixed feelings towards traditional celebrations and the foods associated with them. Amidst the casual banter, Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod touch upon more serious topics, such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the implications of corporate decisions on local communities. They critique Tyson Foods’ controversial hiring practices, juxtaposing the corporation’s actions against broader trends in labor and immigration. The episode isn’t shy about delving into the absurd, as illustrated by a story of a man attempting insurance fraud through self-inflicted frostbite—a tale that bewilderingly complements the show’s eclectic mix of topics. As “What the Frock” progresses, it becomes evident that Rabbi Dave and Friar Rod’s strength lies in their ability to oscillate between the humorous and the heartfelt, offering listeners a unique blend of entertainment and insight. Whether discussing the nuances of allergies, cultural idiosyncrasies, or corporate ethics, the duo brings a refreshing perspective to the airwaves, making “What the Frock” a must-listen for those seeking laughter and thought-provoking conversation.
WTF: The Bible Pirates
WTF: The Bible Pirates
Ahoy, listeners! This week on “What The Frock,” we’re setting sail on a voyage through the bizarre and unexpected with our latest episode, “The Bible Pirates.” Prepare yourself for an exploration of oddities and revelations that’ll have you questioning the very fabric of reality (or at least, the sanity of its weavers). In a curious melding of faith and piracy, we delve into the mysterious case of the “Pirate Bible,” a unique edition rumored to be circulated by none other than the LDS Church. How did this swashbuckling version of the holy scriptures come to be, and what secrets does it hold? We uncover the tales of its origins, the symbolism behind its passages, and the reactions it has sparked among the faithful and the curious alike. Navigating the treacherous waters of healthcare can be as daunting as facing the kraken itself. Fear not, for Dave is here with his quintessential guide to dealing with medical stuff. From deciphering doctor speak to hacking the health insurance maze, Dave’s insights are the compass you need to steer through these stormy seas. In a scandal that’s as shocking as it is hilarious, we uncover the story of priests caught in the act of illegally selling Viagra. Beyond the headlines, we explore the implications of this unholy alliance between religion and the pharmaceutical underworld. What drove these men of cloth to turn to such ungodly enterprises, and what does this tell us about the state of spirituality and sin? In a lighter vein, we ponder one of the English language’s most amusing quirks: the ability to turn almost any word into a euphemism for being intoxicated. From “hammered” to “wasted,” and beyond, we examine the creativity of English speakers in describing their inebriated escapades. But is there any word immune to this transformation? Join us as we embark on a linguistic treasure hunt. “The Bible Pirates” episode is a testament to “What The Frock’s” commitment to exploring the odd, the overlooked, and the outright unbelievable. Whether you’re here for the historical curiosities, the moral quandaries, or just for a good laugh, this episode promises to deliver a bounty of insights and entertainment. So, batten down the hatches and prepare to be boarded by a wave of wonder and whimsy. The “What The Frock” crew is delighted to have you aboard for this journey through the peculiar and the profound. Tune in, and let’s navigate the high seas of absurdity together!