Survival of the Fittest, Sex for Survival (Part Two) is a three part series to gain insight about how and why people get into the sex industry. It is an attempt to break the barriers of division for families and loved ones. It is also an attempt to create dialogue and understanding to increase healing, reduce stereotypes and decrease judgement. Part Two is about young people that runaway and end up in the sex industry. The first segment presents our guest Ms. Anonymous' story and then we go into the Story of the Day, which is Why the Boy Ran Away. During the Breakdown, we will take a therapeutic look into the Story of the Day and how the character's experiences shaped his life. It is the host, Victoriously Speaking's vision to help young people understand that running away is dangerous. It is also an attempt to assist parents in understanding why children runaway. In addition, Victoriously Speaking would like to see families heal and reconcile their differences.