Survival of the Fittest, Sex for Survival - Part Three

L.I.F.E. Radio

Nov 20 2017 • 52 mins

Survival of the Fittest, Sex for Survival (Part Three) is the finale of a three part series to gain insight about how and why people get into the sex industry. It is an attempt to break the barriers of division for families and loved ones. It is also an attempt to create dialogue and understanding to increase healing, reduce stereotypes and decrease judgement. Part Three is about Pride and Sex. Often, people don't think about how pride can lead to Sex for Survival. Alongside, Victoriously Speaking in this episode is L.I.F.E. Radio's special co-host Majic Da Big Homie. Majic is a comedian and motivational speaker that brings another perspective to Survival of the Fittest. It is the host, Victoriously Speaking's vision to help people understand how the spirit of Pride works against them and how it could lead to sexual survival. It is also an attempt to assist families in healing and reconciling their differences.

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