Rodsquad Women's Fitness

Rod and Kate Cortizo

Welcome to the Rodsquad Women’s Fitness RODCAST with Rod Cortizo, who’s been helping women transform their health and figure for over 20 years. Here, you’ll learn easy-to-implement, realistic and sustainable changes you can make to improve your health and fitness and make it permanent! This is for women who want to be their best... their fittest, strongest, and leanest at any age. Enjoy! read less
Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


Your Identity Will Shape Your Results This Year
Your Identity Will Shape Your Results This Year
Happy New Year! This episode is all about your success mindset as it relates to all areas of your life including fitness, career, relationships, finances and more. Quotes discussed: "The successful warrior is the average man with laser-like focus." - Bruce Lee As Rod says, pick your battles and focus on the low hanging fruits that will be realistic for you to implement. In business, it's wise to focus on what you really enjoy and you're good at, and delegate the rest. As we always hear, "jack of all trades, master of none." If you try to do too much, you won't do anything at an exceptional level. And EXCEPTIONAL is what we're striving for! We talked about how we're living in the most distracted culture in history. Focus is often the one thing that separates some of the most successful people in the world from the rest of the population. "You just can't beat the person who never gives up." - Babe RuthUnfortunately we're in a culture of quitting, but if you never give up, you'll eventually accomplish your goal. Beware that your brain is trying to keep you safe in your familiar comfort zone. No matter how badly you might think you want to accomplish something, if it's not aligned with your identity, you might sabotage your own progress along the way. Make sure by the end of this year that you've accomplished your biggest goals instead of having to put them on the list again. Be careful with your identity. If you've been overweight since childhood, being overweight is your identity. Stepping outside of that identity will be very challenging and you'll be susceptible to self sabotage. "We have way more opportunities than we need or deserve." -Rod "Obsessed is what lazy people call focused people." "Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it." - George Halas"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince."
What To Look For In A New Fitness Program in 2024
What To Look For In A New Fitness Program in 2024
In this new podcast episode titled "What To Look For In A New Fitness Program in 2024," Rod and Kate give out some major pointers to help you in your quest for better health and fitness in the new year! Momentum is so powerful! If you've already been working out, don't stop. Try not to take breaks, if at all possible.Look for a program that is female specific, so you don’t have to worry about getting bulky.It's ideal to choose a program with a one on one level of service, or a very small group environment, to reduce your chance of injury.Beware of red flags! You don’t want to lose weight quickly because that means you’re losing muscle and water (not just fat), and damaging your metabolism. This is a warning sign that you’ll gain all the weight back and more. When choosing any diet or fitness program, you want to be sure that it won't require you to do anything unrealistic or unsustainable in the long term. If it does, your results will not last when you go back to your normal life.It's a big red flag if a program requires you to cut out any food groups (i.e. stop eating meat, carbs, fats, etc)Choose a trainer that’s already where you want to be, or an expert at working with the type of woman you are or want to be. Choose a program that encompasses the full picture - nutrition and exercise. But at the same time, something is better than nothing. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress. Be honest with yourself about your starting point. The ideal exercise program at 50 years of age is very different from what you could tolerate at 25. "Weight lifting is a relationship that you’re building with your muscles! It's a communication. Don't yell at them, because they’ll hurt back." -RodIf you’re not planning to become a body builder or physique competitor, that’s not who you want to take advice from. Select a fitness program that is focused on muscle development, since more muscle equates to a significantly lower risk of disease and death.The very best fitness programs come with nutrition included, and some form of accountability.
Easy Tips to Get You Healthy and Fit This Fall
Easy Tips to Get You Healthy and Fit This Fall
How to reset if you've fallen off the wagon this summer... It's easy to get off track when the kids are out of school, there's lots of travel, etc. What is Rod's #1 nutrition tip? Eat more lean protein, fruits and vegetables. This one tip - increasing your protein intake - can be the catalyst to help you lose countless pounds, improve appetite control and increase lean muscle tone. Don't try to cut things out of your diet! Instead, ADD more nutrition. Eat more natural foods - lean protein, fruits and vegetables. You will easily become more full, satisfied and in control. Just because you're thin, doesn't mean you're healthy. Lack of muscle is the biggest indicator of aging. Muscle is also the biggest indicator of longevity (or lack thereof). Muscle loss is one of the biggest indicators of all cause mortality. Muscle loss also leads to sarcopenia, osteopenia and osteoporosis. Building muscle is the best way to defy gravity! The answer to everything health related is muscle. Muscle is the organ of youth. By the age of 80, you will have lost 50% of your muscle mass to aging. Consistency trumps intensity. Look for gradual results and enjoy the process. If you think about it, the same things that will give you ideal body composition are the same things that will give you better health. Eat more fruits and vegetables and lean protein so you can eat less of the garbage. Lifting is good for your bones, hormones, blood sugar, brain, confidence."Beware of the woman who keeps making progress on the back squat. She's gonna take over the world." -Rod Cortizo, owner/ founder of Rodsquad Women's FitnessEverything you do to improve your body composition will also improve your health. Sleep is important because when you workout, you create the healthy damage to the muscle cells but when you're sleeping, that's when the cells rebuild and the muscle actually grows. Lifting weight is the key to bone mass. The media and social media attempts to confuse us because then we're easy prey. You have to be your own doctor/ your own health advocate. We all have to be very proactive about your own health! You cannot blindly trust your healthcare providers. The doctors are so focused on treating symptoms, not causes. You need to adapt a healthy lifestyle as preventative medicine.To summarize, here's the formula to get healthy and fit this fall: 1. Eat more lean protein, fruits and vegetables. 2. Build muscle. 3. Be your own health advocate. 4. Adopt a long term mindset.You cannot lose more than 1% of your body fat per week. You can lose a lot more weight, but then you're losing water and muscle. Muscle is the organ of youth!Please send us a message on Instagram with any questions: @rodsquad_bocaAnd please share this episode with a friend!
Bullsh*t Alert: Erythritol Sweetener Will NOT Cause Heart Attack or Stroke
Bullsh*t Alert: Erythritol Sweetener Will NOT Cause Heart Attack or Stroke
Countless recent headlines have said, "Zero Calorie Sweeteners Linked to Heart Attack and Stroke." We immediately called BULLSH*T and dug into the data. Unfortunately, this is another example of the media misleading our population. You have to do your own research. Your health is at stake! Here's what these articles failed to mention:  #1. The participants in the recent study from Nature Medicine which was cited in these articles ALL had pre-existing conditions! In the U.S. cohort alone, 75% had coronary heart disease, 70% had hypertension and the youngest participant was 55 years old. #2. The sweetener they're attacking is erythritol. It's a sugar alcohol, naturally occurring in many fruits and vegetables. MOST IMPORTANTLY, it's produced during the act of digestion when you've eaten sugar. So OF COURSE, it's detected in the blood streams of people who've eaten sugar, and the SUGAR is more likely to blame for any adverse events.#3. Several studies have found very positive results from the consumption of erythritol in humans. It has been proven to improve endothelial function! In another study, diabetics were given 36 grams of erythritol/day and over the course of a month, their blood pressure went down, the aortic stiffness went down and the lining of arteries functioned better.We say - SHAME ON YOU to the social media influencers and media outlets who are promoting the spread of this misinformation without thoroughly researching and therefore, harming public health. We will continue using our favorite zero-calorie sweeteners which contain erythritol, and we will continue giving them to our children.This is because we understand that consuming regular sugar with its high calories, insulin spikes, GMOs, etc etc etc... poses a much higher risk than consuming erythritol.Always do your own research!Click here to follow us on Instagram. Click here to visit the Rodsquad website.Thanks for listening! -Rod and Kate
Lift Weights or Die
Lift Weights or Die
New study reveals that muscle loss is more dangerous than fat gain! According to the results of this study, loss of muscle tissue better predicts a cardiovascular event than does gain in fat mass over a 5 year period of time.The data shows that most people place too much focus on preventing fat gain, but really need to focus on the prevention of muscle loss.This study showed a greater risk with a 5 year loss of muscle when compared to the associated increased risk of having a heart attack/ cardio event with gain in fat mass. This means that preventing muscle loss is critical to your health and longevity!Compared w participants with stable fat mass percentage, those with fat gain had an increased risk of cardiovascular events.By contrast, people losing more than 8% of muscle tissue over a 5 year period were 300 times more likely to have a heart attack between ages 50-80!WHY? Because muscle supports the metabolic function of the heart.Facts to know: Total muscle mass peaks at age 2410-20% is lost between age 24-50Additional 30% of muscle is lost from age 50-80How to gain and maintain muscle, and prevent muscle loss: YOU MUST LIFT WEIGHTS! Consume adequate protein.Link to the study: us out on Instagram: newest virtual program, starting on March 6, 2023 is open for registration. Click here for details on Get Fit: The 8 Week VIP Experience. Looking for in-person training in Boca Raton, FL? Email or send us a message on Instagram.
Don't Sabotage Your Own Success
Don't Sabotage Your Own Success
Our newest virtual program is open for registration - Get Fit with Rodsquad, The 8 Week VIP Experience.We're starting Monday, March 6, 2023. Registration is now open with early registration discounts available. Click here to learn more and sign up: a question? Send us a message on Instagram._Here's what we covered in this episode: Your way of thinking is critically important for your success or lack thereof. You can totally sabotage yourself with the stories you tell yourself and the things you choose to believe. Your thoughts can make or break you! Rod mentions the importance of who you spend the most time with and information you're taking in via social media, tv, coworkers, friends and family and how they shape your reality. Don't fall into this trap! You must check yourself before you wreck yourself. Are you living way UNDER your full potential due to your lack mindset/ mentality? Your thoughts lead to beliefs which lead to actions! We debunked two myths: Do men have an easier time losing weight?Can menopause really hold you back from getting in the best shape of your life?Also...What do hormones, age, gender and metabolism have to do with fitness progress? You are ultimately in charge of what you put in your mouth and how much you move. Every time you diet, you kill your metabolism by losing muscle. When you gain the weight back, you don’t gain the muscle back. When it comes down to body composition, you have 5 options: Move moreEat less Both Accept and embrace fatnessPlay the blame game Take responsibility! There's 168 hours per week. If you sleep 8/day, you have about 115 left that you could be moving and acting like the person you want to become! And that’s going to shape you! Literally and figuratively.
Weight Lifting for Women
Weight Lifting for Women
Why do women need to lift weights? We start losing muscle around age 30. Muscle is metabolism! The only way to keep the metabolism humming, and prevent muscle/ metabolism loss, is to focus on gaining muscle! When lifting weights, women will get all the aesthetic benefits, but it also builds confidence. Stronger muscles = stronger bones. This is also for disease prevention! Sarcopenia, osteopenia and eventually osteoporosis. By age 30, you stop laying out bone mass and your density starts decreasing over the course of time. Rod mentioned the difference between muscle quality and muscle size. The mental approach and benefits to lifting... You feel like a bada*s! And then you start to wonder... What else am I capable of? Rod says we all have so much more potential and strength than we ever thought possible. Lifting weights impacts several other areas of life.The back squat is the queen of all lifts! Rod describes proper form for this exercise. Knees over toes, good posture, you can go a*s to grass or just to parallel (thighs parallel to the floor). You can start with no weight at all, and beginners can hold onto something when they're getting started. Many fitness trainers are afraid to have their clients squatting! It's so healthy for your back, booty, core, thighs, inner thighs, hamstrings, calves and more! It's also helpful for posture. Back squats are a MUST! Hip thrust helps your backsquat and develops the glutes. When we see women using a lot of weight, they usually don't have proper form and that's why they don't feel the glutes and they keep adding weight. Do not perform this exercise with a plate on your hips, use a bar instead. For proper form, you should lie on your shoulder blades with chin to chest, round your back, tuck the tail in like a dog. Focus on the mind-muscle connection, and take your time! We don't even have a timer at the Rodsquad. In order to give the illusion of a smaller waist and an hourglass figure, build those shoulders and lats! Shoulder press, lat pull down, mid row are great exercises for this purpose. You don't want a bigger booty and a thicker waist. That's why we don't focus on building abs. You want a slim waist, build the booty and shoulders instead.You’re probably performing these exercises wrong:Dead lift Hip thrust Back squat Shoulder press Even if you’re a beginner, these tips can work for you! You MUST follow a program that's developed specifically for women.Join our Legacy program and transform from anywhere in the world! Click here to check us out on Instagram: @rodsquad_bocaReady to work with Rod to develop your personalized transformation plan? Send us an email at
The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Health Right Now
The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Health Right Now
In a world where we're simultaneously told to avoid fats, avoid carbs, cut calories, count macros, eat organic, avoid GMOs, run marathons, plunge into cold water, eat liver, cut out meat, and more... where do we even begin!? In this episode, we break it down into 3 steps of what you should focus on 1st, 2nd and 3rd when you're trying to get healthier and fitter.Your first priority should be getting to a healthy body weight and knowing how to maintain it for life. We covered how to know if you're already in the right range and if not, how to get there. This is really about body composition much more than body weight! Consider the ratio of lean weight to fat weight, even if the number on the scale stays the same. Use nutrition to help with satiety and appetite control.Second, you should focus on preventing muscle lose and then gaining muscle tone. Why? Muscle tone is critical for preventing disease... Sarcopenia, osteopenia, osteoporosis and more. As Rod says, get your Vitamin L. Muscle is the organ of youth! And be sure you're getting enough protein. There's absolutely no point lifting weights if you're not taking in the building blocks of muscle: protein. After you've done all that, it's the time to think about optimizing nutrition and cleaning up your act. Now you can add in some healthy fats, be sure you're eating organic and avoiding GMOs. Clean up your cleaning products and cosmetics to get carcinogens out of your house. Click here to check us out on Instagram: @rodsquad_bocaJoin our Legacy program and transform from anywhere in the world! If you'd like to hire Rod to develop your personalized transformation plan, send us an email: Thanks for listening!
Top Reasons Why Your Fitness Goals Didn't Happen in 2022
Top Reasons Why Your Fitness Goals Didn't Happen in 2022
This episode covers the reasons why your fitness goals didn't happen in 2022.Most of the time, it has to do with the goals your setting. Maybe your goals weren't realistic and sustainable. Maybe you paid too close attention to random influencers you saw on social media. This time around, let's focus on continuing to make progress and redefine the word success. If you're making progress and moving in the right direction, you're successful! Rod explained his theory of "quarter plus time." He says women should aim to be their slimmest that they've ever been as an adult. For most women, this was around age 30, probably before having babies. Teenage years don't count! You also want to choose a time you were feeling your best, and that should be your goal! Whether it's 5 pounds or 60 pounds, it doesn't matter. In this example, he says to focus on your first ten pounds and however long it takes you to lose that, see if you can maintain that for just as long. This is a sustainable way and a slow enough pace that you can get results and never revert back.Even if you never reach you goal, but you got a quarter of a way or halfway there and never gained it back, you are successful!  If two ships leave port and change their trajectory by a degree or two, they'll be thousands of miles apart over time. Brain health, bone health, aesthetics, feeling better, being a better person overall... these are some of the reasons why women stick with their fitness goals and don't give up. If everything in your plan is sustainable and realistic enough (your cardio, your lifting, your eating), you're going to feel successful as you make progress. Instead of thinking about getting to your end goal, if you're on the right track, you are already successful! Success is a cumulative effect. If you just strive for success, you WILL get there over time. Many women strive for too much, too soon which leads to getting discouraged. Just keep striving forward and never backward.As Rod says, don't try to pick up on everything we're saying. Just focus on the low hanging fruit. Pick one or two or three tips that are realistic. Pick the things you can see yourself doing daily for the rest of your life. Don't overwhelm yourself and take on too much. This is especially a problem with women! We think we can do it all, but this backfires when it comes to your fitness. Only try to do what's realistic long term. If you've been following us, you understand the EMERGENCY of needing to train with weights. Figure out how much weight you have to lose. I suggest half to 1% of body weight per week. Even if its gonna take you more than a year, so be it! You're gonna be a new person!Don't forget: Small things add up to big results over the course of time. Click here to check us out on Instagram: @rodsquad_bocaJoin our Legacy program and transform from anywhere in the world! Ready to hire Rod to develop your personalized transformation plan? Send us an email at
How Often to Weigh Yourself and Why
How Often to Weigh Yourself and Why
Should you weigh yourself? If so, how often? And why? Do you really have a relationship with the scale? No! It's an inanimate object. The most important relationship is with yourself! There's several ways to track your progress, but your weight on the scale is the most precise method. Other methods include checking your appearance in the mirror, taking photos and comparing over time, seeing how your clothes fit. What gets measured gets managed! Don't stick your head in the sand! You MUST face the music! If you never look at your bank account, your financial life gets out of control! Your weight is the same thing. Do not turn a blind eye to this! Your weight is fundamental to your health. What Rod suggests: Weigh yourself every dayExpect fluctations from day to dayThe important number to focus on is your median weight for the week"You need to know your weekly weight, not your daily weight." -RodIf you've been on a low carbohydrate diet and you add carbs back in (we never suggest cutting out food groups), you should expect your weight to increase a bit since carbs hold water. Hang in there! Start tracking your weight once you've leveled off a bit."That butt or that gut didn't happen overnight!" -Rod You can avoid the shock of unintentional weight gain by keeping an eye on it consistently. Have questions? Send us an email: Send us a message on Instagram: out our website to see what programs we're offering both locally in Boca Raton, FL and for women around the world:
How to Get 6 Pack Abs
How to Get 6 Pack Abs
Kate and Rod answer your biggest questions related to abs! Are abs really made in the kitchen? What about genetics? What's your trouble area? That's where you'll gain and lose weight first. How can you lose weight in a way that's sustainable for life?Can you spot burn fat?Whatever you do to reach your ideal weight quickly might be the same thing that keeps you from maintaining that weight! That's why it's critical to educate yourself and lose weight in a way that's sustainable. This is the same reason why people who win the lottery end up broke again shortly after. They didn't earn the skills to manage money. If you want to maintain a healthy body weight, you must learn the skills to attain and maintain your healthy physique. If you take a shortcut (a pill, surgery, deprivation, food delivery service), you won't be setup for long term success.Rapid weight loss damages your metabolism and leaves you worse than you were before. In the same way, winning the lottery teaches you that money will come to you easily and doesn't need to be earned or managed well, so many lottery winners end up broke and in massive debt, worse off than they were before! Body fat is gained or lost systemically. Step 1 to building 6 pack abs is to lose body fat all over! The Rock worked his butt off, had the best chefs and nutritionists, took performance enhancing drugs and still couldn't develop abs due to genetics! An hourglass shape has been attractive for centuries. That's why physique competitors don't work abs. They don't want to add bulk in an area we want to shrink. Only 3% of women can actually blame hormones for their inability to lose weight. Be careful about using this excuse.Click here to follow us or send us a message on Instagram: us an email at is Florida's #1 Personal Training Studio for Women!