S1 | GenGND Conversation with Leah Stokes

Generation Green New Deal

10-11-2020 • 30 mins

University of California at Santa Barbara Political Science professor Leah Stokes is a renowned expert on U.S. energy & climate Policy—and she’s also a young person, living through climate change in California.

Hear about Leah’s journey to becoming one of America’s most outspoken climate-academics, as well as her thoughts about the historic 2020 election, and the prospects for climate action and the Green New Deal under the incoming Biden-Harris administration.

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Listen to Leah’s Pod, A Matter of Degrees: https://www.degreespod.com/

Buy Leah’s Book, Short Circuiting Policy: https://www.leahstokes.com/book

Buy All We Can Save: https://www.allwecansave.earth/

Read Biden has a Climate Mandate in the Boston Globe: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/11/08/opinion/biden-has-climate-mandate/

Read Climate Change in My Backyard in the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/11/opinion/california-floods-mudslides-climate.html