Episode 38: Waking People Up with Gavin Scott


Aug 31 2022 • 54 mins

Gavin Scott is a Life Coach based in Malaga, Spain, whose mission is to wake people up to enable them to make their life decisions from an increased level of consciousness. Gavin hosts a podcast called Stay Outstanding, in which he aims to inspire people to create space in their lives for betterment. In this interview, Gavin talks about:

  • why living a conscious life is so much more rewarding than living unconsciously
  • how we have been programmed to have the beliefs, behaviours and habits we do
  • why it’s important to change ourselves first to be an inspiration to others
  • his challenge to swim the English Channel to raise awareness of plastic pollution
  • our superhuman abilities to achieve anything in life we put our minds to

Gavin can be contacted via his website https://stayoutstanding.com/


Music: Pablito's Way by Paolo Pavan