Spirit Guides

Kelle Sparta

Spirit Guides is a transformative podcast dedicated to guiding listeners through the nuances of spiritual and personal growth. It aims to serve as a vital resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of spirituality beyond traditional frameworks and integrate it into various aspects of daily life.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Ep 54: Thursday Thoughts - Healthy Positivity
2d ago
Ep 54: Thursday Thoughts - Healthy Positivity
In this episode, Kelle Sparta discusses the importance of choosing positivity in a healthy way, avoiding toxic positivity and spiritual bypass. She emphasizes the need to believe good things about people and their actions, while still being realistic and authentic. Kelle Sparta also highlights the power of gratitude in attracting positivity, sharing personal examples of focusing on the positive aspects of her life even when facing challenges. Listeners are encouraged to engage with the podcast and share their thoughts.Key Points:1. Choosing positivity in a healthy way, avoiding toxic positivity and spiritual bypass.2. Positivity and gratitude for a better life.3. Listeners are encouraged to engage with the podcast and share their thoughts.Listeners are also encouraged to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to help the host understand the reach and impact of the show. By providing feedback, listeners can help shape the content and direction of the podcast, ensuring it continues to provide valuable insights and inspiration.Get Your Copy of the Free e-Course on Boundaries for Empaths.  Click HereReady to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
Ep 53: Align Wednesdays - How Do I Use My Intuition To Grow My Business?
3d ago
Ep 53: Align Wednesdays - How Do I Use My Intuition To Grow My Business?
In this episode, Kelly Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss how to use your intuition to grow your business:Key Points:1. Intuition can manifest in different ways, such as through the third eye, crown chakra, or accessing the Akashic records. It's important to discover how intuition speaks to you personally.2. Intuition can be used to test business ideas, analyze potential partnerships and mergers, and make strategic decisions. Following intuitive nudges can lead to unexpected opportunities.3. Developing a relationship with your intuition requires practice, such as asking questions regularly and being open to the messages you receive. Leaning into your ability to adapt rather than control can help you navigate uncertainty.The hosts also emphasize the importance of embracing the "OH" moment - when intuition speaks to you in a way that feels exciting and expansive, even if it's also scary. By trusting your intuition and taking bold steps, you can unlock new possibilities for your business and personal growth.Join Kelle and Katherine in this enlightening episode to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and embrace your true potential! 🌟💪✨Join Kelle and Katherine in this enlightening episode to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and embrace your true potential! 🌟💪✨Get Katherine’s free meditation for spiritually oriented entrepreneurs at: Katalystcoaching.comOr follow her on social media:https://www.facebook.com/katherinelorangerkatalystcoachinghttps://www.instagram.com/katalyst_coaching/https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherinewaller/Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
Ep 51: Mystical Mondays - I See Dead People - And Bunnies!
5d ago
Ep 51: Mystical Mondays - I See Dead People - And Bunnies!
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan discuss the fascinating topic of mediumship and what happens after death. Key points include:1. An explanation of the afterlife, including how spirits drop their earthly roles and return to their soul families after crossing over.2. Insights into communicating with ghosts and spirits, including Kelle Sparta's personal experiences helping clients connect with deceased loved ones.3. Warnings about the dangers of paranormal investigations and the importance of proper training, energetic hygiene, and protective measures when working with spiritual entities.4. Advice on the proper way to approach energy healing and mediumship, emphasizing the need for foundational skills and qualified instruction before pursuing advanced abilities.Throughout the discussion, Kelle Sparta and her guest share captivating stories and insights that shed light on the complex and often misunderstood world of the supernatural. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in exploring the mysteries of the afterlife and the importance of spiritual growth and safety.Get Your Copy of the Free e-Course on Boundaries for Empaths.  Click HereWant to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.comReady to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
Ep 48: Align Wednesdays - How Are My Boundaries as a Business Owner?
Ep 48: Align Wednesdays - How Are My Boundaries as a Business Owner?
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger discuss the importance of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in personal and professional life.Key Points:1. The importance of recognizing your own boundaries and feelings, and reinforcing them even with long-time friends and family members.2. Tips for setting boundaries in business relationships with clients, employees, partners and vendors to avoid issues like codependency, power imbalances and damage to integrity.3. Advice for business owners on avoiding burnout through self-care, planning ahead and prioritizing boundaries both personally and professionally.The hosts also discuss plans for future episodes focusing on accessing intuition in business and exploring masculine and feminine energies in the professional world.Join Kelle and Katherine in this enlightening episode to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and embrace your true potential! 🌟💪✨Join Kelle and Katherine in this enlightening episode to learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and embrace your true potential! 🌟💪✨ Get Katherine’s free meditation for spiritually oriented entrepreneurs at: Katalystcoaching.comOr follow her on social media:https://www.facebook.com/katherinelorangerkatalystcoachinghttps://www.instagram.com/katalyst_coaching/https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherinewaller/Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
Ep 46: Mystical Mondays - You Can’t Make Me! And Other Bratty Voices
Ep 46: Mystical Mondays - You Can’t Make Me! And Other Bratty Voices
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan discuss overcoming resistance to spiritual awakening and personal growth.Key Points: They share their personal experiences with feeling controlled by their higher selves and the childhood issues that led to feelings of powerlessness and victimhood.Kelle Sparta uses the analogy of artisanal wells to explain how life experiences can fill us with negative thoughts but we can tap into our authentic energy by digging out "garbage" through personal growth work.Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own patterns of resistance to change and choose one area to engage with instead of avoid, in order to continue progressing on their spiritual paths.Kelle Sparta invites listeners to spend time after the episode reflecting on where they experience resistance in their own lives, and to choose one area to engage with instead of avoid in order to make positive changes.Get Your Copy of the Free e-Course on Boundaries for Empaths.  Click HereWant to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.comReady to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
Ep 41: Mystical Mondays - Hacking The Matrix: Discovering the Cheat Codes for Life
Ep 41: Mystical Mondays - Hacking The Matrix: Discovering the Cheat Codes for Life
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Joshua Radewan discuss hacking the matrix and discovering the cheat codes for life through universal laws.Key Points:1. Kelle and Joshua explain key laws like the Law of Attraction, inspired action, gratitude, vibration and how they relate to manifestation.2. Oneness, balancing masculine and feminine energy, and the law of relativity are explored in relation to shamanic practices and understanding life experiences.3. Personal responsibility, energy transmutation, polarity, rhythm, and the law of correspondence are broken down and connected to shaping one's reality.Listeners come away with a deeper understanding of how universal laws govern our reality and how applying concepts like vibration, manifestation, and personal responsibility can empower them to create positive change in their lives. Kelle and Joshua provide insightful explanations to help unlock life's hidden codes for greater fulfillment and success.Get Your Copy of the Free e-Course on Boundaries for Empaths.  Click Here Want to know more about Josh?  Check out his website http://rhythmrootsandfaith.comReady to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here
Ep 38: Align Wednesdays - Ah!! Stop Throwing Money At Me!
Ep 38: Align Wednesdays - Ah!! Stop Throwing Money At Me!
In this episode, Kelle Sparta and Katherine Loranger delve into the fear of success, exploring its underlying reasons, such as societal expectations and personal beliefs. Key Points:Fear of Success and Personal Growth: Understanding how fear of success can hinder progress and manifest in various ways, including restrictions on freedom and fear of judgment.Challenging Limiting Beliefs: Techniques for identifying and reframing limiting beliefs around money, success, and deservingness to foster personal and financial growth.Coping with Social Media Judgment: Strategies for managing fear of publication and online criticism, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and mental resilience.Tune in to the podcast to gain insights on overcoming fear of success and transforming limiting beliefs to achieve personal and financial growth.Get Katherine’s free meditation for spiritually oriented entrepreneurs at: Katalystcoaching.comOr follow her on social media:https://www.facebook.com/katherinelorangerkatalystcoachinghttps://www.instagram.com/katalyst_coaching/https://www.linkedin.com/in/katherinewaller/Ready to Dive Deeper? 🌊 Ask Kelle Sparta today and keep advancing on your path to spiritual awakening and personal growth. Click here. Get Your Copy Of Kelle's Book. Click here .https://clients.kellesparta.com/oag For more about Kelle’s programs, visit https://kellesparta.com Curious about your Shadow Work Readiness? 🌓 Take the Quiz: here