White & Working On It

Brittany Giammona

Host Brittany Giammona wants to talk about racism in the United States. She is on a quest to be a better ally to the Black Lives Matter movement and is taking you with her. We (white people) are going to unlearn our bias and re-learn black history in America. We are going to hold ourselves accountable and talk about how to take action against racial injustice. Tune in each episode for conversations with black and white activists, educators, lawyers, authors, friends, and more. Brittany is not qualified on all the subject matter. She’s white and she’s working on it. read less


Episode 003: Racial Voter Suppression 
Episode 003: Racial Voter Suppression
This week on White & Working on it, Brittany defines voter suppression in all of its modern-day forms. Listen and learn how Black and Hispanic voters are strategically kept from the polls at every election. TAKE ACTION AGAINST VOTER SUPPRESSION: - Donate to Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC) to help returning citizens pay fines & fees https://wegotthevote.org/finesandfees/ - Petitions to allow/extend Vote-By-Mail in all 50 states 1. https://www.change.org/p/legislators-and-secretaries-of-state-protect-the-november-2020-election-by-offering-vote-by-mail-in-all-50-states 2. https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/covid-19-expand-vote-by-mail-in-every-state 3. https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-urge-your-governor-to-make-vote-by-mail-available-to-all-voters-we-must-ensure-our-democratic-right-to-vote/ 4. https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-petition-to-your-state-election-officials-vote-by-mail-must-be-available-to-all-voters HELP SAVE THE USPS: - White House Petition https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/save-united-states-postal-service-0 - Change.org Petition https://www.change.org/p/save-the-usps - TEXT “USPS” to 50409 to send an autogenerated letter urging your State Senators and local Representatives to support funding for the U.S. Postal Service CONTACT: Reach out to the pod with feedback, critiques, discussion suggestions, or if you’re interested in joining Brittany on an episode! whiteandworkingonit.com Instagram: @WAWOIpodcast Twitter: @WAWOIpodcast Facebook: @WAWOIpodcast Email: whiteandworkingonit@gmail.com